dc.description.abstract | Thousands of years, every philosophy seeks truth. Now science can also be defined by this great search. Follow the wise, we quest all kinds of answers. Emmanuel Levinas is one of the modern Western world’’s major ethicists, since he bring on the concept “the other”. As we know the ethical dimension is at the heart of Levinas’ thought, this paper attempts to point out the spirit of “the other” which is to open up the ethical situation. The value of Levinas’ ethics is to clarify the relation of truth and Good.
Consciousness is a spirituality of knowledge, a spirituality of truth; it is not itself a spirituality of love. To be conscious of something is to know; and it is to objectify, judge, compare, form concept, generalize, etc. Philosophy that it is love of wisdom; and wisdom is still thought of something concerning knowledge. Repeat with Plato’’s doctrine, it is not consciousness that establishes the Good, but the Good which calls forth consciousness. Wisdom is what the Good commands. Reason and knowledge have been the priority in traditional Western philosophy, however now we take the concept“the other “to replace “I”, as an “ethical I”, then we can try to reach responsibility, even more love.
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