dc.description.abstract | The purpose of the study is to investigate the historical effects on the political, social and economic shifts in the foot of southern taiwanese moutains. Such a case defined et examplified by Bankimshing in Ping-Tong will show how the different aspects would reflect the structural changes in the reconstruction of Bankimshing via a case study in the area V.
Qianlong 55 (1790), the Qing government consented that the establishment of indigenous guards (Tun Fun) proposed by Fu Kang’’an could be served as a strategy of control in Formosa. From the late Kangxi to Xianfeng, the increase of population of Pepo-knabe is due to the governmental politics : since then, the Pepo-Knabe people moved to the Central Mount and were established in some new villages. However, the multiple demarcations of Bankimshing by Qing government overlaped the original area. This territorial planification have maked this place not only the old and the new sub-region, but also created a multi-ethnic relations with complex situations. Moreover, in 1861 Dominican Catholic missionary preached here and set the " mission village " patterns which gathered all levels of life From the land, marriage and life members rather than members of residents to self-running lifestyle. Bankimshing began gradually tob be formed via the pattern of the six corner in order to center a large banyan tree in the Shonai as the difference between Catholics and non-Catholics of the space pattern. After the 20th century, Bankimshing has opened a wide range of development. The increase of population, the construction of modern transport and industry innovation promote the public space and to the diversity of public events. these changes reflected specific social transformation of the moutain foot social pattern. Through text, media, academy and local government, all of them co-operated with the residents of Bankimshing and joined the efforts of the past to diminish the phenomenon of ethnic classification with the emergence of " Bankimshing awareness."
We adopt the histore des structures to select the second entry of the Catholic Church in 1861 as the beginning of the study period until the end of the war, which can be either a provident for the auxiliary disciplines of geography, through a variety of historical, literary collation, analysis and field survey to examine the social changes and discuss the Pingtung Plain area of the overall development of the moutain foot.
We concluded the following three points: first of all, through literary research and toponymical assistance,we described the formation of ethnic relations and the development of settlements of Bankimshing as the "indigenous ethnic groups were forced to move Pingpu" in theory. We put forward appropriate amendments: Bankimshing is further explored on the structure of village residents in the seventeenth century mainly by the demand Dafang Pingpu aboriginal language areas, as well as the Han Chinese ethnic groups and by the composition of the Paiwan. Secondly, we tried to dinstinguish the regional linguistic basis : Fujian pioneer of Chinese language, Guangdong Hakka native language and other languages as well as the crowd Chaoshan. Guangdong Chaozhou in particular for their immigrants are often ignored by academy. However, in the traditional East Asian trade network, Chaozhou language occupies an important position in the crowd but also the impact on Taiwan’’s society. Therefore, in order to discuss the Han Chinese dialects as the classification of ethnic relations, we should move closer to the Pingtung Plain prevailing social conditions. Thirdly, this study made the observation of the regional cases, the foot of the community to clarify the type of transition from the border area to the modern state system of the historical process and to explore how to establish the rule of various colonial regime to control the border is considered the last of the region,diversification of the local community that the situation of social transition. Also we showed how the foot of the region differ from the groups of migrant by group identity or by the foot of the geo-community identity.
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