博碩士論文 941301029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-ya Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract蘇青,是亂世裡一顆閃亮的星。孤島時期的上海,風聲鶴唳,一片寂然的蕭條,她與張愛玲兩人在上海文壇大鳴大放,人稱「文壇雙璧」,這是時代給了他們機會。然而曾經這樣紅透半邊天的上海女作家,最後也是因為時代的更迭而隱沒在黑暗的長空之中,孤寂的死去。 她的個性是熱情的、直爽的、大膽的、率真的,這樣的人格特質是她結交朋友的最佳利器,所以這些特質使她在人際關係裡,游刃有餘,左右逢源;但此時的她在婚姻上卻亮起紅燈,最後走上離婚之路,結束了與丈夫十年的婚姻。離婚後的她,活躍於文化圈,開創了她事業的春天──《天地》的創立。愛情婚戀的鏡花水月,使其看清了愛情的本質,更強調物質金錢的可靠性。寫作賺錢、養家,女作家意識到女人離婚並不可怕,有能力和有勇氣才重要。女性生存權的強調是拯救女人的機會。家庭、婚姻孩子、在角色的定位上,母親是最重要的扮演者。對於母愛的詮釋,各有不同的方式與解讀,而蘇青以她文學那隻筆,論述她對孩子種種地牽腸掛肚的思念,筆者相信,那是真愛;真實人生中的她,對於母愛的具體表現,各方雜音湧現──透過她的親人、孩子,筆者相信那也是愛,因為那是她性格中的矛盾情結,無可避免的衝突。 一方水土,養一方人,「鄉」(寧波)與「城」(上海)都曾經是蘇青生長、生活的地方,它不僅代表著空間上的居住層次,也代表著時間的過去與未來,人心的貼近與悖離,他們在文化的傳承上或者時尚的追求裡都與蘇青有著千絲萬縷的情感。蘇青再次的舉起她那雙文學的手,書寫上海百態,以一個都市女作家的觀點與視野,記錄這座城市;光怪陸離的現代派與張愛玲的關係甚淺,與蘇青有些關係,但沒有絕對的相等關係,很難說的一種情份,沒錯,它就是「上海」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSu Ching, being a sparkling star in the troubled times, she is considered as prominent as Chang Ai Ling in the literary circles back in the days, when people were afraid of their own shadows as well economic was deadly sluggish in Shanghai. Time offered them both a chance of a lifetime to reach the highest peak to earn the title of “two jades in Shanghai literary circles” during the time when Japanese’s invasion of Shanghai territory in-between KMT’s withdrawal and pearl harbor. However, despite what fame and fortune brought to this Shanghai female writer, her life ended in obscured loneliness as time passes by. Knowing her own strength of being passionate, upfront, confident and forthright, Su gained advantages from both sides easily, building up new interpersonal relationship has always been a piece of cake to her. Her 10 years marriage life, to the contrary, ended badly in divorce. Su vivaciously involved in literary circles after her divorce, in addition, she discovered a new paradise of her own by founding the monthly issue- Tan Di. Love affairs and passionate relationship not only revealed what love is to her, but also made her rely more on material life and money. Supporting her family by writing, Su found herself identifying with the idea of being a divorcee is not as terrible as it seems, instead, having the ability and courage to support herself is what really matters. Emphasis on women’s right to survival is a great chance to rescue them. Mother plays a vital role between family and marriage. The way Su portrayed a mother feels deep anxiety about her children in her works makes everyone relates to it. However, with her ambivalence, motherhood was a total different and contradictory story in her real life. Various types of talents result from diverse cultures. Town and city were all places where Su Ching once lived, these distinct locations represent her past and future. Recognitions from others, away or close were all attached to her culturally and trendily. Su kept tracks of Shanghai from a urban female writer’s viewpoints. Grotesque modernism hardly relates to Chang Ai Ling while being certain connected to Su Ching but without absolute equivalent correlation. This is Shanghai, a place full of paradoxical affinities.en_US
DC.subjectcourtesan novelen_US
DC.subjecturban femaleen_US
DC.subjectSu Chingen_US
DC.subjectTen-years Marriageen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Su Ching's Worksen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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