博碩士論文 941305003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-hsuan Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文係以「民國初期知名女性知識份子悔婚」為探討主題,中國傳統的婚姻多屬包辦婚姻,青年男女沒有決定婚嫁對象的權利,造成許多無愛情的婚姻。清末民初受到西方思想傳入,女性開始有受教育的機會,使女性地位開始改變。許多思想較為開明的家庭,打破女子無才便是德的觀念,讓女兒接受啟蒙教育。當女性有了知識基礎後,便想走出家庭,接受更高深的新式教育。並使她們有機會接觸到更多新思想,於是她們主張教育平等、社交自由、婚姻自主等觀念。女性知識份子對自己自小訂下的包辦婚姻也無法忍受,她們以為婚姻是自身的事,要自己選擇婚配的對象,要求有愛情的婚姻。因此知識女性決定悔棄媒妁婚約,她們利用各種方式悔婚。而婚姻要自主必須先有獨立的經濟,知識女性在悔婚後的經濟來源也是重要的課題。悔婚女性勇敢的追求真愛,因此知識女性在取得婚姻自主權後,自己找尋婚姻的另一半。透過對這些知識女性的研究,瞭解當時女性在時代的意義,呈現當時女性如何為提高自身的地位與爭取權益而努力。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis article is “breaks an engagement take the Republic of China initial period well-known feminine knowledge individual contribution” as the discussion subject, the Chinese tradition marriage is much the arranged marriage, the youth men and women had not decided that the marriage object the right, creates many non-love the marriages. The end of the Qing people initially received the Western thought to spread, the female started to have the opportunity which educated, made the feminine status to start to change. Many thought more enlightened families, break the female incapacity are Germany’’s ideas, lets the daughter accept the formative education. After the female had the knowledge foundation, then wants to go out the family, accepts a more profound new style education. And enables them to have the opportunity to contact more new thought that therefore they advocate the education equality, the public relations freedom, the marriage independently and so on ideas. The feminine knowledge individual contribution from the arranged marriage which slightly subscribes is also unable to oneself to endure, they thought that the marriage is own matter, wants to choose the marriage the object, requests to have love marriage. Therefore the knowledge female decided that the regret abandons the matchmaker engagement, they use each way to break an engagement. But the marriage wants to independently have the independence economy first, the knowledge female’’s after breaking an engagement source of income is also the important topic. The breaking an engagement female’’s brave pursue loves really, therefore knowledge female after obtaining the right to freedom of choice in marriage, oneself pursue marital the other half. By to these knowledge feminine research, understood that at that time the female in the time significance, how did present at that time the female to improve own status with to strive for the rights and interests to try hard. en_US
DC.subjectBreaks an engagementen_US
DC.subjectfreedom of marriageen_US
DC.subjectfeminine knowledge individual contributionen_US
DC.titleThe Republic of China initial period well-known feminine knowledge individual contribution breaks an engagement research of the phenomenonen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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