博碩士論文 941305018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTe-jui Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文主要探討的問題有三:第一,陳伯達長期擔任毛澤東的秘書,對毛澤東極力推崇,但毛澤東卻說他陳伯達歷史複雜,是一個可疑分子,本文將探究陳伯達的歷史背景,希望能還原歷史真相。第二,在文革時期,陳伯達身為文革小組組長,帶領文革小組成員四處演講,散佈文化大革命的火苗,究竟陳伯達在文革小組起了什麼作用,值得加以探討。第三,在中共九屆二中全會上,陳伯達為何站在林彪陣營,不點名批鬥張春橋,最後卻反被毛澤東點名批評,終結政治生命,本文也將針對陳伯達與江青、林彪三者間的關係加以探究。 陳伯達從延安時期開始就一直擔任毛澤東的政治秘書,為《毛澤東選集》的主要編輯者,文革中出任「中央文革小組」組長、政治局常委,成為毛澤東、林彪、周恩來之下的中共第四號人物,可說是中共最有影響力的理論家。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis article main discussion’’s question has three: First, Chen Boda is Secretary Mao Zedong for a long time, esteems vigorously to Mao Zedong, but Mao Zedong actually said that his Chen Boda history is complex, will be a suspect, this article will inquire into that Chen Boda’’s historical perspective, hoped can return to original state the historic truth. Second, in the Great Cultural Revolution time, Chen Boda the body for Great Cultural Revolution group leader, leads the Great Cultural Revolution panel members to lecture in all directions, the dispersion Great Cultural Revolution’’s flame, actually did Chen Boda play any role in the Great Cultural Revolution group, is worth discussing. Third, at the Chinese Communist Party nine Second Plenary Session, why Chen Boda stands in the Lin Biao camp, does not mention by name interrogates Zhang Chunqiao, finally actually instead mentions by name by Mao Zedong the criticism, will end the political survival, this article will also aim at Chen Boda and Jiang Qing, the Lin Biao three relations inquired into. Chen Boda starts from the Yenan time to hold the post of Secretary Mao Zedong political, is Selected Works of Mao Zedong the main redactor, in the Great Cultural Revolution takes the post of “the central Great Cultural Revolution group” group leader, member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau, becomes under Mao Zedong, Lin Biao, the Zhou Enlai’’s Chinese Communist Party fourth character, may say that is the Chinese Communist Party most influential theoretician. en_US
DC.subjectChen Bodaen_US
DC.subjectapproves Chen Zhengfengen_US
DC.titleA Study of Chen Boda and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution(1966-1970)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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