博碩士論文 941305026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYao-wen Koen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文的重點,主要探討從民國34年(1945),第二次世界大戰日本戰敗後,國民政府從接收日本政府在台灣的工礦事業為開始,期間歷經接收初期資委會的考察評估,在資委會與台灣省行政長官公署的折衝下,台灣機械造船公司是在何種情況下成立的?民國37年(1948)4月,台灣造船公司改組成立,成立初期,經營不易,業務清淡,因此台船公司的早期經營狀況遭遇到許多危機。而當時台船公司的組織系統與董事會之變遷、功能的演變、制度的建立與內部的運作情形又是如何因應?另從台船的修船業務分析,來對應於當時航運業景氣與大環境的變動影響?而台船另一項重要業務為製機業務,在此時期,其製機業務往來的對象與特點是什麼?而同時期台船也積極發展造船業務,其造船業務的起點為建造小型船隻,在沒有技術建造大型船隻的情況下,台船該如何突破造船技術的困境?在與國外取得技術合作後,又如何配合政府政策,按部就班從建造較大型數百噸的遠洋漁船,逐步累積造船技術,奠下往後與美商殷格斯(Ingalls)造船公司技術合作建造大型船隻的基石。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPresent paper’’s key point, the main discussion from 1945 (1945), after Second World War Japan defeated, the National government from receives the Japanese government in Taiwan’’s industry and mining enterprise was the start, the period after the receive initial period capital commission’’s inspection appraisal, in the capital commission and under the Taiwan Province chief executive government office’’s negotiation, Taiwan mechanical Ship-building business was establishes in what kind of situation? in 1948 (1948) in April, Taiwan Ship-building business reorganized the being established, the tenable initial period, managed not easily, the service was light, therefore Taiwan boating company’’s early time state of operation bitter experience to many crises. But at that time the Taiwan boating company’’s vicissitude, the function organization system and the board of directors evolution, how system’’s of establishment and were the internal operation situation also in accordance to? In addition from the Taiwan ship’’s ship building business diagnosis, corresponded to the shipping industry was at that time booming and environment change influence? But Taiwan ship another important service is the sieze the opportunity service, in this time time, what its sieze the opportunity business contact’’s object and the characteristic is? But the same time Taiwan ship also positively develops the shipbuilding service, its shipbuilding service’’s beginning for the construction small ships, in does not have in the technical construction large-scale ships’’ situation, how should the Taiwan ship break through the Marine Technology the difficult position? After overseas obtains the technical collaboration, also how to coordinate the government policy, from the construction large-scale several hundred ton open sea fishing boat, accumulates the Marine Technology gradually along a prescribed path, will establish in the future with American commercial Yin Gosse (Ingalls) the Ship-building business technical collaboration construction large-scale ships’’ cornerstone. en_US
DC.subjectthe company organizeen_US
DC.subjectthe National resources commissionen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Ship-building businessen_US
DC.subjectthe board of directorsen_US
DC.titlePostwar state-operated ship-building industry company system and trade development - take the Taiwan boating company as example (1945-1955)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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