博碩士論文 943302023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZong-Sin Heen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國軍自民國八十八年「精實案」後,軍事工程大多委由前聯合後勤司令部營產工程署負責辦理;配合「國防二法」後國防體制及權責之劃分,軍事工程由軍備體系負責政策規劃、督導、管制與執行,前聯合後勤司令部營產工程署亦於民國九十三年一月改隸國防部軍備局,編成「工程營產中心」,並為軍事工程之專責單位。軍事工程因「精實案」後,原以自辦工程設計、監造為主之執行方式,改採委託民間建築師事務所或工程顧問公司協助辦理為主,自辦為輔。惟綜觀目前軍事工程委託監造作業,除監造人力素質普遍不佳外,對於政府相關法令規定亦不熟悉,加上國軍因組織變革及人員精簡,專責之工程人力、工作經驗、專業能力不足等因素,在施工階段委託監造的業務推動上常見一些疏失窒礙,影響施工品質及整體執行效能。 基於委託監造技術服務為爾後軍事工程在施工階段之最主要之執行模式,因此本研究就專責機關實務面執行情形,並利用工程查核、審計機關調查情形、工程訪談及相關文獻研究成果,對委託監造執行缺失及問題做歸納整理,探討目前軍事工程委託監造執行上缺失問題發生原因,並就監造契約、監造廠商、主辦機關、政策制度等四個方面提出建議改善對策。希藉由本研究能供國軍專責機關在委託監造作業管理,以及國軍後續人員棈簡及組織調整之參考,進而使軍事工程在執行上之各項作業更能加健全。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the military’s「Troop-reduction program」in 1999, most of the armed forces’ construction projects were commended to former Construction & Real Estate Department(CRED), Combined Logistics Command. In accordance to the implementation of “ The National Defense Law” and “The MND organization Law” in January 2004, Taiwan’s new national defense system, the CRED was reorganized as “Construction and Real Estate Service Center”(CRESC) under the command of the Armaments Bureau, MND, which has become the sole authority for military construction projects and were responsible for project planning, supervision, control and implementation, etc.. Ever since then, the original execution model, which focused on in-housing in all construction projects has shifted to that with first priority of authorizing and gaining assistance from civil architecture companies or engineering consulting firms, and with secondary priority of in-housing these projects. Other than the poor quality of supervising staff, however, the overall current outsourced operations for military constructions lies in unfamiliarity with government related regulations. Moreover, the organization restructure and lean staff in military, lack of responsible engineers, work experience, and professionalism cause common negligence and barriers in the process of construction, affecting the quality and overall efficiency in project implementation. Because outsourced supervision and construction technical services have been the major execution model for construction process of military constructions, this research sums up the mistakes and issues regarding the execution of outsourced supervision and construction, discusses the root causes of current execution of outsourced supervision, and proposes corrective actions that focus on construction contracts, contractors, auspices authorities, and policies and regulations, all based on the execution of responsible authorities and the results of engineering checks, auditing authorities’ investigations, interviews, and relative research papers. The purpose of this research is to provide guidance in outsourced supervision and constructions management and the following staff downsizing and organization restructuring, thereby reinforcing the soundness in execution of military constructions.en_US
DC.subjectoutsourced supervisionen_US
DC.subjectconstruction phaseen_US
DC.subjectMilitary constructionen_US
DC.titleThe Reserch on Current Outsourced Supervision’s Drawbacks and Improvements forThe Military Constructionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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