博碩士論文 943310603 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKurt Fortinen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中美洲國家近年來在觀光發展的成長上一直是全球的前幾名。雖然宏都拉斯政府竭盡所能的在政策上配合推廣觀光,但總是在腳步上落後同地區的其他國家,因此從觀光上所獲得的收入,成長緩慢且無競爭力。觀光產業是宏都拉斯政府第三大的收入來源,除了貢獻外匯存款及吸引外資外,還加強了國家的認同感,提升發展的程度,及增加人民的生活水準。 宏都拉斯以豐富的生物多樣性及大量的自然資源吸引不少國際觀光客,如考古遺址、歷史遺跡及生態旅行等,但毫無疑問的,宏都拉斯也有許多未好好開發的觀光景點。為了徹底了解目前的問題及找尋可能的答案,首先先提出較急迫的幾個問題:宏都拉斯政府目前如何推廣觀光、為何觀光的收入成長緩慢、有何創新的方法。 GIS 也許可提供一個思考的方向,GIS可以系統化的蒐集、儲存、分析、管理、展示空間相關的圖資,因此可用於革新目前宏都拉斯政府推廣國內外觀光所用的傳統方法。本研究利用網路建立一個整合GIS、相關空間圖資、三度空間展示技術、最新觀光資訊的網站,期能增加宏都拉斯推廣觀光的國際競爭力,及幫助國內環境的永續保存。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCentral American countries lead the world statistics on tourism growth for the past few years. Even thought, the national government is doing their best on creating policies and promoting tourism; Honduras is not able to keeps up with the pace of other countries in the region. As a result, show a sluggish increase of the income generated from this sector and maintain low levels of competitiveness. Tourism, one of the world’s major industries, has become a third highest source of income for the Honduran government. Besides of generating foreign exchange earnings and investment, tourism has helped to promote a national identity, higher levels of development and enhancement of people’s life standards. Honduras magnificent biodiversity and abundant natural resources offer a wide variety of attractions for the international tourists, such as archeological sites, historical monuments and splendid ecotourism. Without doubt, Honduras embodies a high touristic potential, currently not well developed. In order to have a better understanding of the current situation and find possible solutions, several questions need to be answer such questions are: What is the Honduras’s government working on? What’s making Honduras to have a sluggish increase on the income from the tourism sector? What would be an innovative solution for this problem? Geographic Information Systems (GIS) might be an original solution for this issue. GIS is a system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes which are spatially referenced to the earth. In the strictest sense, it is a computer system capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing, and displaying geographically-referenced information. This technological advancement can replace the government’s conventional and overrated efforts of developing and promoting the national and international tourism in the country. The creation of a website that integrates GIS tools, internet, geo-referenced data, satellite images, panoramic views, 3D modeling and up to date tourist information will improve the country’s international competitiveness and will help to promote environment conservation for the future.en_US
DC.subjectTourism Developmenten_US
DC.titleGIS tools for Development of Honduras Tourismen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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