博碩士論文 944300036 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Chen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣DRAM廠商快速地在2006年提高其市場佔有率,整體的產能市佔率可望突破20%,2006年已成為台灣DRAM廠在全球市場嶄露頭角的一年。但是目前我國DRAM廠商並無太多自主DRAM設計的先進技術和製程研發能力,技術來源在DRAM產業是否具有絕對的競爭力,及國內廠商是否能單純的透過技術移轉或策略聯盟來獲利,與未來能否永續經營活息息相關。國內DRAM廠商以優勢管理能力在製造成本控管上有優越的競爭力,為保持領先地位,未來在量產規模和微縮製程上仍需不斷投入資金,然而大量資金的投入其相對風險也增加,是否能經得起另一個衰退也是一隱憂。 本研究除了先整理歸納DRAM記憶應用產業歷程演變外,也透過產業數據資料的蒐集、整理、分析,利用策略聯盟理論以及其技術策略運用等,探討DRAM產業崛起至今,韓國、德國、美國、日本與台灣在DRAM產業界各自的競爭優勢與國際策略聯盟關係,由策略聯盟的關係等因素來分析全球及台灣DRAM未來的可能演變。 企業經營成功與失敗的因素有許多,但最重要的是在於採取有效的策略佈局與執行。為了對DRAM技術策略有所了解,需要具有一個理論性以及實務性相結合的分析架構,本研究以策略矩陣做為分析個案之產業環境以及制定事業策略的管理工具,並結合個案公司進行實證性探討作為驗證。本研究內容除了進行產業分析以及技術策略的研討之時,也提供相關的產業資訊及現成的策略分析架構做為未來可能的環境演變及波動參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 2006, Taiwan DRAM makers had prosperous harvest in globe market shares which are shapely growing up to around 20%. However, at the moment, Taiwan DRAM makers possess few own advanced-technologies and insufficient strengths or capabilities to develop full unit processes for absolute independence and surviving longer in globe’s cruel contests. How to turn back the situation and break the unfavorable environment getting more successful advantages to stand firmly under globalization trend? If via some key successful elements, like strategic alliance or technology transfer, it might become a good change to break the limitations. Currently, Taiwan DRAM makers own outstanding performances in reducing production costs and invest numerous capitals in enlarging capacities and high-speed shrinking the node to keep in world-leader status. Even so, it still brings other undetectable risks, like a giant recession cycle. It is a very big issue how to catch the boom cycle well in fast-change world. The study generalizes and sums up the historic developments of DRAM industry, by collecting, reordering, adding analysis the concepts of strategic alliance and technology strategies to further discuss the future transforms of Taiwan DRAM industry against other international DRAM makers, Korea-Samsung, Hynix, Germany-Qimonda, USA-Micron, Japan-Elpida. Trying to figure out what advantages exist or disadvantages eliminate and discuss global issues with respect to technology transfer in DRAM technology. The future global business market will be addressed and critical development needs. The study emphasizes technology strategies approach to market-driven development as well. Furthermore, via using these linkages and improved future management, upgraded production know-how and industrial efficiency practices as drivers of economic growth. Many elements cause enterprises’ business to succeed or fail, they must be selected out and analyzed to improve enterprises’ benefits and future developed roadmaps. Among of those elements, the key point is how to adapt effective strategies to layout the success models and apply into DRAM business. Besides the understanding in DRAM’s characters, the study provides a good example Case “A” company as practices to verify how it survives through technology strategies and technology transfer in due to the enormous price pressure on volume commodity DRAM. “A” company’s technology transfer was done from Qimonda’’s Semiconductor 300 mm fab (SC300) in Dresden, Germany, whereas qualification was completed in a joint manner by both venture partners. Efficient start-up and ramp outlines the benefits of the fab cluster. Transfer at highest synchronization level on a matured technology platform was a key to the rapid success. Particularities of the technology transfer business process are highlighted in view of key criteria for process and product monitoring before and after transfer.en_US
DC.subjectDRAM industryen_US
DC.subjectStrategic Allianceen_US
DC.subjectTransfer affectsen_US
DC.subjectTechnology transferen_US
DC.subjectTechnology strategiesen_US
DC.titleA Research among Technology strategies, Technology transfer and Transfer affects within scope of DRAM industry by Strategic Alliance—Example of Case “A” companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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