博碩士論文 944300043 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuei-Chih Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近十年來,因台灣投資環境變化,人工成本高昂。台資企業開始大規模開發華南,但近年來華南的嚴重工資高漲、缺工,台資企業已逐步往長江三角洲華中、華東地區移動,大上海腹地的昆山,蘇、杭地區儼然成為電子業的建廠重鎮。本研究所探討的主題便是,昆山地區台資企業女性職工,其人口統計變數對於購買能力以及購買行為的差異比較,又因為與外來職工同事日間共同工作,同儕影響力是否會對消費行為產生影響。對於這些年齡在18~23歲之間的年輕女孩,偶像崇拜是否也有顯著的影響效果,本研究目的以提供欲赴昆山地區投資的店家,一個思考銷售產品種類與價格的建議。 本研究以問卷調查方式進行,問卷內容包括大陸籍女性職工的基本資料,如出生省籍地、出生年、個人所得收入等;接著調查受訪者家庭背景資料,如負擔家計金額、家庭每月所得、家長職業,最後調查個人對於3C電子產品及服飾產品消費金額的能力。本研究以相關分析、ANOVA變異數分析等統計方法,探討樣本組別之間的關係,以及差異性。本研究發現,六成的這些年輕員工幾乎有一半的薪水會寄回家負擔家計,整體中國大陸外出打工者有極高比例是為了改善家中經濟環境而出來工作。當工作年資的升高,員工其對於3C電子產品以及服飾產品的消費金額也會隨之升高。另外,當員工的日常生活花費金額越高的同時,其3C電子產品以及服飾產品的消費金額也會較高,代表了員工生活品質要求變高的同時,對其使用物品的購買金額也會相對提高。 值得一提的是,當詢問到如果您目前無法購買3C電子產品或服飾產品,高達92%的受訪者表示『有機會及能力才購買消費』,而並不是選擇『借錢購買』,顯示出大陸女性存在著『先抑制個人消費,也不借貸享受』的觀念,與時下台灣年輕人的消費習慣有重大差異。同儕以及代言人是否會影響到女性消費者的購物行為,本研究問項效度雖有所不足,但仍然顯示代言人影響女性消費者的購物行為比同儕明顯。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOver the past ten years, Taiwan’s investment climate has changed and labor costs have risen. Taiwan invested enterprises started large-scale development in Southern China, but over the past few years, wages and related costs have surged and there is even a shortage of workers. As a result of this Taiwan investors and manufacturers, of which the electronic high-tech industries play a major role, have step-by-step turned their focus towards the Yangtze River Delta in Central China, Kun Shan in the Greater Shanghai, the Su-Zhou and the Hang-Zhou areas. Specifically this research institute has inquired into the following problem: a statistical comparison of the purchasing power and consumer behavior of female workers and staff working for Taiwan companies in the Kun Shan area. We look into whether or not the consumer behavior of immigrant workers, in particular, that of young women in the 18-23 age group, is significantly influenced by external influences, such as peer pressure and role models. In this research we use questionnaire data and Mainland China registry data including birthplace, birth-date, household income, etc. The respondent’s background information is also investigated, for example, whether they bear responsibility for family livelihood, the monthly household income, the occupation of the head of the household and finally the individual’s purchasing power in relation to 3C electronics and personal adornment products is evaluated. We use analytical correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and other statistical methods to investigate similarities and differences in the sample. We discover that six-tenths of the group send about one-half of their wages home to support their families. The most important reason that Chinese immigrant workers go out to find a job is to improve their family’s finances. Naturally the longer people work the greater their power to purchase these types of items. At the same time, not only do daily living expenses continue to increase, but the amount that worker’s spend on 3C electronics and personal products also increases, as these represent a better quality of life. It is worth noting that formally enquiry shows that up to 92% of the respondents felt that although these products are desirable one must first “have the opportunity and the ability to buy”, that is they did not want to “borrow money to buy”. This reflects the fact that Mainland Chinese women hold the idea that one must control personal expenses and not borrow money, which is very different from the habits of Taiwan young people today. The results of this research are not sufficient to completely clarify how peer pressure and spokesperson or role models influence female consumer behavior but they do show a clear trend.en_US
DC.subjectconsumer behavioren_US
DC.subjectspokesperson influenceen_US
DC.subjectpeer influenceen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan invested businessen_US
DC.subjectKun Shanen_US
DC.title昆山地區外來聘僱人口消費行為之研究 -以某台資企業為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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