博碩士論文 944301006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-hsuan Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來由於中國大陸持有人力成本低廉及廣大內需市場需求的優勢,吸引全球許多企業到大陸進行跨國投資。我國中小企業向來就是台灣經濟的支柱,往往扮演著國際化的先鋒,因此在全球這一波前往大陸投資的熱潮中,台灣中小企業自然扮演著參予者的腳色,在國際投資熱的聲浪中永不缺席。 過去,許多的研究或文獻多是探討台商中小企業如何成為國際化的歷程、程度或其營運的表現,較少的參考資料是針對台商中小企業在異地經營的成長策略因素做探討。此外,因為台商中小企業本身就面臨規模及資源問題,若是單從網路構面去探討其跨國投資的情況似乎不夠客觀;因此本論文藉由網路關係理論及資源基礎理論,搭配SWOT分析,希望藉由個案公司的案例找出台商中小企業如何在異地經營成長,其內外部策略因素為何?也希望這些策略因素可以給予後續欲前往大陸進行投資的台商中小企業經營上的參考。 由於大陸幅員遼闊,因此本論文將以在大陸東莞地區投資的個案公司作為研究的對象,此外大陸本身內地潛在的競爭者越來越多,台商中小企業面臨的競爭也越來越激烈。正因為如此,台商如何在困難的環境中保有競爭的優勢,其經營成長策略因素對於日後欲前往投資的台商中小企業來說,具有實值上的意義及價值。 透過個案公司的研究,發現中小企業由於先天上的條件不足,導致在進行跨國經營時其核心能力的建構更是重要,必須將有效的資源投資在有利的機會及專業化的市場,一步一步將自身不足的條件修補起來。在累積的過程中,如何在異地建立起緊密的業務網絡關係也是其競爭優勢的策略之ㄧ。最後,經營者的經營雄心將是企業是否可以持續成長的關鍵因素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe recent low labor costs and enormous domestic market demands have become the two major advantages for China to attract international investments from global enterprises. The small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, as the foundation of Taiwan’s economy and the pioneers in globalization, have taken the role of exploring emerging China markets. Therefore, in this recent trend of foreign investment in China, Taiwanese small/medium enterprises have followed suit in taking their part in this wave of global investment. In the past couple years, there have been a great number of research and published documents on how the small and medium Taiwanese enterprises have transformed into internationalized business corporations while only a minority indicates what strategies have been adopted by the small and medium enterprises to achieve their business goals in foreign countries, to be competitive in the niche markets and to manage their expansions off-shore in China. The objective of this essay is to analyze the internal and external strategies of these enterprises based on the Network relationship theory combined with the SWOT analysis. The Case study of this essay focuses on a small-sized company located in Dongguan, China. Regarding to the increasing number of competitors in the domestic market, our small China-based Taiwanese company are encountering more and more challenges. Thus, it is critical for further Taiwanese investors to realize how to remain their competitiveness and advantages so that they are capable to generate the long-lasting business tactics and eventually lead their companies to success in China. This case study has shown that a company’s core competence is the most significant founding for its international corporations, especially due to the limited resources within such entities. It is essential for the enterprises to efficiently utilize their limited resources and strength their known weaknesses to obtain all the potential business opportunities. In the process of developing a competitive core competency, building up the sales network is crucial. The ambitious attitude of business owners will have a direct impact on the success of business entities.en_US
DC.subjectNetwork Relationen_US
DC.subjectResource-base Viewen_US
DC.titleExploring enterprise investment strategy in the growth in China- taking Taiwan Alpha Electronic Co., Ltd. as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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