博碩士論文 944307010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJih-Yao Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract未來十年企業所面臨最嚴苛的戰爭,將是從全球競爭蔓延到人才競爭。而在這場人才爭奪戰中,企業組織該如何順勢提升競爭優勢,重視「人才的管理與運用」正是贏的關鍵所在,因為攸關企業能否勝出的成功關鍵因素,不只是「人」而已,而是真正能為企業創造不凡價值的「人才」。然而許多研究調查均顯示,眾多企業卻正面臨找不到具有高績效表現及關鍵能力的人才的難題。因此企業實有必要思索一套具前瞻性的人才管理(Talent Management)策略,方能在選、用、育、留等一連串的人力資源管理過程當中,持續不斷的為企業創造價值,使「人才力」真正能轉化為企業的「競爭力」,而不會再有「人才用時方恨少」之歎! 而檢視企業所實施的人才管理制度的有效性與否,則可從人才管理制度分別對員工的才能發展、離職傾向及生涯發展的影響性來觀察。因此本研究透過問卷調查方式,以企業中表現優秀、並具成長潛力或業已被納入人才管理範疇的員工為研究對象,共回收有效問卷166份,回收率為56.27%,首先探討員工對組織實施的人才管理制度之認知程度分別與其個人的才能發展、離職傾向及生涯發展之間的關聯性;其次加入「個人成長需求」這個調節變項,探討一種重視工作富有挑戰性、獨立思考、追求尊嚴及自我實現的人格特質,是否會對各項人才管理制度影響員工個人的才能發展、離職傾向及生涯發展,具有調節效果的存在。研究結果發現如下: 1.員工認知職能模式實施的愈好,個人才能發展及生涯發展的程度愈高,而個人的離職傾向則愈低。 2.員工認知工作輪調實施的愈好,個人才能發展的程度愈高。 3.員工認知職涯管理制度實施的愈好,個人的離職傾向愈低。 4.員工認知360度回饋評鑑實施的愈好,個人生涯發展的程度愈高。 5.員工認知接班人計劃實施的愈好,個人生涯發展的程度愈高。 6.工作輪調與個人成長需求的交互作用對離職傾向具有負向的調節效果,亦即就高成長需求者而言,當認知工作輪調實施的愈完備,愈有助於降低個人的離職傾向。 7.接班人計劃與個人成長需求的交互作用對生涯發展具有正向的調節效果,顯示就高成長需求者而言,當認知接班人計劃實施的愈完備,愈有助於個人的生涯發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor the severest war that companies face of the future ten years, will spread from global competition to talent competition, and the talents create the most value for companies, so attaching great importance to talent management and applications that has become a significant concern for winning the talent wars. But in a lot of surveys display numerous companies are facing the difficulty of not finding the talents with the high performance and key ability. Therefore, companies must think the talent management strategy for recruitment, assignment, training and retention, besides creates the value for the company, also enables the talent power truly to transform for company’’s competitive power. In order to understand the relationship among employees’ perception of talent management system, acquirement development, intention to leave and career development, and serve personal growth need strength as a moderating variable, this study selected outstanding, and had high potential of growing up or already been included in the talent management programs employees as the research object in Taiwan companies. By analyzing 166 valid samples, some of the key findings of the study included: 1.The more perception of competency model perceived the higher degree of personal acquirement development and career development, but the lower degree of intention to leave. 2.The more perception of job rotation perceived the higher degree of personal acquirement development. 3.The more perception of career management system perceived the lower degree of personal intention to leave. 4.The more perception of 360 degree feedback perceived the higher degree of personal career development. 5.The more perception of succession planning perceived the higher degree of personal career development. 6.There are negatively significant correlations between the interaction of perception of job rotation and personal growth need strength on intention to leave. 7.There are significant correlations between the interaction of perception of succession planning and personal growth need strength on career development.en_US
DC.subjectintention to leaveen_US
DC.subjectgrowth need strengthen_US
DC.subjectacquirement developmenten_US
DC.subjectcareer developmenten_US
DC.subjecttalent managementen_US
DC.titleA Study of the Relationship among Employees’ Perception of Talent Management System, Acquirement Development, Intention to Leave and Career Development: Personal Growth Need Strength as a Moderating Variable.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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