博碩士論文 944407001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen Chung Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe empirical findings associated with the job and family resource from the past show that the result of what resource has influenced the work and family conflict is confusing and inconsistent; this is because these previous studies did not distinguish the influences of the work and family conflict among the various resources types. This study tries to find out how the different types of resources affect the results from the frontier theory; along with the finding that the past research did not investigate under the interaction of the individual employee personal preference in the different segment of the resource, how it influences the work and family conflict. Simultaneously, this study also discusses when the organization providing different types of job resources and the individuals’ preference for segmentation is inconsistence under work and family, how will it impacts the work and family conflict. Based on the hierarchical regression analysis of 967 copies of valid questionnaire, the overall work family conflict on job and life satisfaction remains a significant negative relationship, the impact of job resources on work family conflict, whether from work interfere with family or family interfere with the work, both have a significant negative impact, the general resources and work amily conflict is still a significant negative relationship, segmentation resources only to work family conflict has significant negative relationship, and the integration of resources and work family conflict has significant positive relationship. If further study the effects of the individuals’ preference for segmentation, the enhancement of this preference will strengthen the negative relationship between the segmentation resource and the work family conflict. The interaction from the integration of resources and the preference for segmentation enhances the positive relationship on the integration of resources and work family conflict. Segmentation resource generates positive spillover effect, and this doesn’t cause the role stress by the role ambiguity; if it’s the integrated resource, it is likely to cause the confusion of roles and has negative spillover effect to personal preference. Despite the individual prefers the work and family segmentation, the integrated resources and personal preference of the fitting effect still not effectively reduce the work family conflict. en_US
DC.subjectJob Demands-Resources modelen_US
DC.subjectWork Family Conflicten_US
DC.subjectJob Satisfactionen_US
DC.subjectLife Satisfactionen_US
DC.subjectindividuals’ preference for segementationen_US
DC.titleJob Demand, Job Resource, and Work Family Conflict: The Moderating Effects of Individuals’ Preference for Segementationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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