DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 客家政治經濟研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 彭映淳 zh_TW DC.creator Ying-Chun Peng en_US dc.date.accessioned 2007-10-8T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2007-10-8T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2007 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=947203010 dc.contributor.department 客家政治經濟研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 臺灣邁入21世紀之後,由於政治民主化、經濟自由化與社會多元化之社會環境的變遷,民眾對生活品質要求提高,以及對於產品的選擇走向多樣化及多變化的性格。本研究透過Robinette、Brand和Lenz於2001年提出感性行銷的五星理論,並歸納感性行銷的相關文獻,衍生出三義木雕文化創意產業五星概念,探討核心特色及潛在的發展空間,且呈現感性與理性相互作用關係。 本研究採用質化研究方法中深度訪談法與量化的問卷調查法。研究結果發現:(1)故事性:三義地方具有文化、自然與在地性特質。(2)關聯性:展現三義、木雕與客家族群的連結印象。(3)體驗性:體驗活動,呈現有趣的、藝術的、感動等正面的感受。(4)創意性:木雕作品上表現出個人風格及兼具美感的工藝品。(5)價值性:三義木雕在文化、藝術、經濟與創意性具有價值性。三義木雕不論於文化、藝術、經濟層面,給予消費者正面印象的評價,且透過感性行銷的核心價值「關心」運用於活動、交易買賣、環境等地方,並獲得消費者內心的共鳴。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract In the 21 century, Taiwan has been changing gradually, because of the democracy of politics, the liberty of economics, and the multicultural development of society, that steering the quality of life and the variety of choosing character of the people. According to the research, the Robinette, Brand and Lenz have made the emotion marketing factor to treat these five points from creative cultural industry of San Yi woodcarving. The study methodology included unstructured interviewing and questionnaire investigation. The research finding: Firstly, the story of the San Yi has brilliant culture to develop woodcarving. Secondly, the relation emerge the woodcarving and Hakka ethnicity with San Yi together. Thirdly, the experience to show what is interesting, emotional things about woodcarving. Fourthly, the creation show their own style and lovely woodcarving. Finally, the Value point out woodcarving of San Yi that is important on art, economy and culture. By then the San Yi woodcarving has always been showed the interesting to customers to win acclaim. Keyword: Creative Cultural Industry, Emotion Marketing, San Yi, Woodcarving. en_US DC.subject 感性行銷 zh_TW DC.subject 三義 zh_TW DC.subject 文化創意產業 zh_TW DC.subject 木雕 zh_TW DC.subject Emotion Marketing en_US DC.subject Creative Cultural Industry en_US DC.subject San Yi en_US DC.subject Woodcarving. en_US DC.title 文化創意產業感性行銷之研究-以苗栗三義木雕為例 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title A Study of Emotion Marketing for Creative Cultural Industry:A case study for woodcreaving in San Yi en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US