博碩士論文 951201002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Chun Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract「贈答詩」之立類雖源自《文選》,但其發軔可遠溯先秦,於六朝之際形成典型風貌,具備獨特的審美趣味。唐代以降,贈、答詩雖各有發展,但始終未衰絕於中國古典詩歌之林。現今研究的焦點多著重於魏晉時期,本文以「南朝贈答詩與士人文化研究」為題,將研究範疇集中於南朝,試圖從文化角度以拓展新的視野,探究南朝贈答詩歌的文學價值與意義。全文共分為六章:   第壹章「緒論」:釐清贈答詩之定義,探索贈答詩的淵源流變,並掌握南朝士人的身分特性,具體說明本文的論述架構、取材範圍和研究方法。   第貳章「贈答詩與士人的文學審美」:探究贈答詩多元的表現手法,以及內容風格的轉變,並且關注南朝文士創作與審美觀念的遞嬗。   第參章「贈答詩與士人的仕隱心聲」:分析贈答詩中的仕隱觀念,反映士人面對出處進退,從抉擇的糾葛到企求歸隱的各異心態。   第肆章「贈答詩與士人的思想風貌」:旨從贈答詩窺見南朝文士的處世哲學,就宗親倫理、儒玄兼容與仙佛信仰等為切入面向。   第伍章「贈答詩與士人的社會交誼」:根據贈答詩所反映的交誼內涵,可分為友朋諧晤、別離懷思、規諫稱賞、譏諷嘲謔等四類,藉此察知士人交際生活的樣貌,以及交流互動過程中所展露的人生態度。   第陸章「結論」:總結本文研究,先論南朝贈答詩的文本特點,實已兼容本色與別調,能見抒情詠懷,亦可具有實用目的,也能純為應酬、遊戲。又,藝術風格與發展脈絡富有時代特色,所反映出的不只是詩人個別的情志款曲,也牽涉到自我與社群的互動。詩中承載著當時的學術、宗教、藝術、政治、社會等議題,可視為整體六朝文化的縮影,足見南朝贈答詩歌在文學與文化上的豐富意蘊。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAlthough the classification of “Poems Given to Each Other” comes from “Article Collection”, it is however, originated far back from Pre-Chin period and formed typical look in Wei,Chin and Nan-Bei Dynasty and has unique way of seeing beauty and fun. In spite of respective development of poems giving and returning since Tang Dynasty, they never go disappear from the pool of Chinese classical poems and songs. As present researches mainly focus on Wei and Chin Dynasty, this article follows a topic of “A Study on the Poems Given to Each Other in Nan Dynasty and Culture of Intellectuals” with scope of research focused on Nan Dynasty, which aims to broaden a new horizon from culture perspective to explore the literature value and meaning of poems given to each other in Nan Dynasty, with articles divided into 6 chapters :   Chapter I “Introduction” : clarify the definition of poems given to each other, to explore the origin and change of poems given to each other and control the identity of government officials in Nan Dynasty, and, to explicitly express the discussion structure, material scope and research methodology of this article.   Chapter II “Poems Given to Each Other and Appreciation of Literature Beauty of Government Officials” : explore diverse expressions of poems given to each other and transition of content style, and pay attention to the delivery of creation and beauty concept of scholars in Nan Dynasty.   Chapter III “Poems Given to Each Other and Voice of Hermits”: to analyze the concept of hermits of poems given to each other, and reflect their affections from entanglement of making their own choices to making their way out while making decisions to stay or quit their jobs.   Chapter IV “Poems Given to Each Other and Government Officials’ Mindset” : it aims to catch a glimpse of scholars’ philosophy of life in Nan Dynasty and to discuss in terms of ethics, with Confucianism and Metaphysics both covered and Buddha belief perspectives.   Chapter V “Poems Given to Each Other & Minglement of Scholars” : according to the contents of minglement that poems given to each other reflect on, the poems can be divided into gathering between friends, farewell & reminiscence, advice & compliment, sarcasm & ridicule 4 categories, in order to get to know the look of minglement between government officials, and the life attitude revealed through interaction or minglement.   Chapter VI “Conclusion”: to summarize this research, we firstly discuss the features of poems given to each other in Nan Dynasty, which cover both the nature and different style, and enable sentiment feeling inside and purpose of practice and purely social engagement and game. Also, due to the art style and development pattern at that time, the poems not only reflect the personal feeling of poet, but also involve in interaction of self and the community. The poems bear academic, religious, art, political and social issues at that time, which can be regarded as epitome of culture for Wei,Chin and Nan-Bei Dynasty in overall, in which poems given to each other in Nan Dynasty represent abundant meanings in terms of literature and culture aspects. en_US
DC.titleThe Study on the Poems Given to Each Other in Nan Dynasty and Culture of Intellectualsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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