博碩士論文 951201011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-chen Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract許多優秀的在台馬華作家獲獎無數,開啟馬華文學的獨特性與積極性,出色的著作,吸引眾多讀者與評論家的目光,馬華文學在台灣已成為不能忽視的文學現象,商晚筠的作品即為一例。本論文嘗試以商晚筠的小說文本為主要探討對象,考察文本所蘊藏的社會意義,與剖析環境與作家的相關性。因此本篇論文主要分三層面作為探討方向,一為從作家的背景層面作為切入點,其創作的濃郁性格往往與其所置身之場域、文化息息相關,進一步了解作家的生平與思想,且於作家與其所經歷過的空間記憶作為文學上的連結,再根據友人對於作家的敘述、評價,作文本外的考察,期望透過商晚筠的創作理念以及人生觀,釐清作家與作品的創作背景與文本與社會之間所構成的文化內容。二為探究文本與作家實際生活的相關性,接著對照小說文本,分析作家創作的特色,以及其背後所蘊藏的書寫意識與策略。三亦由文本出發,著重於女性議題與關懷,探析作家後期將書寫焦點移至女性題材之現象,了解作家如何透過文字塑造女性人物的自我發展以及表露作家本身的女性意識。筆者以女性主義等相關論點為輔,探究作家如何融合意識流與女性意識的創作手法,其展現的和諧性透露作家言外之意的寫作策略,亦為筆者研究的重點。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA lot of good writers in Taiwan, Malaysian award-winning, open the uniqueness of Malaysian Chinese literature with enthusiasm, good works, attracts the attention of the reader and critic, Malaysian Chinese literature in Taiwan has become a literary phenomenon can not be ignored, Shang Wan Yun’’s work is one example. In this paper, to try Shang Wan Yun’’s novel focused on the text object, inspect the text of the social significance of the potential, and analyze the environment and the relevance of writer.Therefore this paper is divided into three main levels to explore the direction as a writer from the background level as a starting point. Creative writer and the character of the field outside it, culture is closely related to a deeper understanding of life and thinking of the author, and the writers have experienced and their spatial memory as a literature on the link, and then based on the writer’’s description of her friends, evaluation, writing of this outside investigation to look forward to Shang Wan Yun through the creative ideas and life view.Clarify the creative works of writers with background and text and society posed by the cultural content. Second, to explore the text and the writer’’s real-life relevance, and then control the text of the novel related to on secondary analysis of the characteristics of creative writers, as well as its hidden behind the awareness and strategies for writing. Third, starting from the text, with a focus on women’’s issues and care of the late writer will write the focus moved to the phenomenon of female subjects to understand how writers shape the female characters through the text of the self-development as well as the writers reveal their feminist consciousness. Feminist writer to supplement and other related arguments to explore how the integration of stream of consciousness writer and feminist consciousness of the creative way to show the harmony of its authors said the implication of the writing strategy, is also the focus of the study author. en_US
DC.subjectMalaysian writeren_US
DC.subjectwomen's literatureen_US
DC.subjectthe original townshipen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Shang Wan Yun'novels.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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