DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 學習與教學研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 李柏毅 zh_TW DC.creator Por-i Lee en_US dc.date.accessioned 2008-7-2T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2008-7-2T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2008 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=951207009 dc.contributor.department 學習與教學研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 敘說,就是把故事再重新說一次,不同的時空說出的故事,都會被賦予不同的意義。本研究採用敘說的方式對一位研究型大學企管系「教學傑出教師」—阿華進行研究,被研究者另一個身份則是「研究者的舅舅」。在研究當中,研究者針對教學傑出教授的專業教學、教學專業發展歷程部份進行探究;此外,其生命成長過程、求學歷程經驗,皆為探究的重點,並希望從這些寶貴經驗當中,找到論文主角—阿華在生命當中的轉折與改變,挖掘出阿華身上的個人特質與教學特質,探究這些特質是如何養成,以及在教室內、教室外所呈現出來的不同氛圍。除此以外,研究者亦從外甥的視角看待舅舅,捕捉阿華在校園當中與學生們相處的樣貌;藉由研究者從小與舅舅相處的經驗、與其他舅舅的談話進行回觀,深刻地探究阿華身為舅舅與教學傑出教授兩個不同角色所呈現出來的行為特質,以及看見學術與家人在阿華心中的比重、拉扯與轉變。最後,研究者利用長期訪談(總數十六次的訪談)及長時間的參與觀察(總共二十一節課),歷經三個學期的研究,企圖捕捉到更多阿華的不同樣貌。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract Inquiry is to retell the stories, and it has diverse meaning as being told at different time and places. The researcher uses the research method of narrative inquiry to investigate the participant (A-Hua) who is not only an excellent teacher in an academic university but also the researcher’s uncle of this study. In the study, it is aimed at the process of growing up, studying, professional instruction, and professional development of the participant, hoping to find the important transitions and changes from which A-Hua’s personal teaching characteristics are excavated, exploring how these characteristics are cultivated under different atmospheres in and out of the classroom. In addition, the researcher takes another perspective, as a nephew, to look upon the uncle, A-Hua, and catch the landscape of how A-Hua gets along with his students, trying to profoundly inquire his behavioral characteristics from different roles of A-Hua, as an uncle and professor, to find the proportion, tension, and transition between his academic development and his family. Finally, the researcher takes long-term interview (totally 16 times) and observation (totally 21 periods of classes) through three semesters, attempting to catch more different landscapes of A-Hua. en_US DC.subject 高等教育 zh_TW DC.subject 教學傑出 zh_TW DC.subject 大學教師 zh_TW DC.subject 敘說探究 zh_TW DC.subject Higher Education en_US DC.subject Excellent Teacher en_US DC.subject University Teacher en_US DC.subject Narrative Inquiry en_US DC.title 探究「一位教學傑出教師的生命與特質」—以外甥與研究生角色進行探究 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title Inquiry the Life Stories and Characteristics within an Excellent Teacher: A Narrative Study on the Role of a Nephew and Graduate Student en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US