博碩士論文 951305010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShun-min Kuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自古以來「槍桿子出政權」,往往造成軍事獨裁者的出現;可是沒有軍權就遑論想擁有政權。民國肇建以來,袁世凱及北洋軍閥一直雄霸北方,正是因為擁有軍權;反觀國民黨「二次革命」後,同時失去了軍權及政權。於是,如何能擁有軍權,又不會產生軍事獨裁的情況,是孫中山一直思索的問題。在參照各國建軍的模式,引進蘇俄模式之後,這樣制衡的組織─軍事委員會,便應運而生。   軍事委員會最早只是一個軍事會議,並無固定的組織及職掌,經過不斷的演變,廣州國民政府成立之後,軍委會變成了國民政府最高的軍事機關。之後由於連年的戰事,軍委會的內部組織及人事也一再改變,除了內部組織的擴大之外,軍委人數也逐漸增多,同時變成只是一種榮譽的職銜,真正的權力操縱在幾個有權力的軍事將領之手,開啟了武人獨裁的局面。   在民國史中,國府的軍委會一共解散過兩次,第一次是在北伐完成後,另一次是在對日戰爭之後。軍委會兩次的解散後,中國不久即發生了動亂,第一次有「中原大戰」,第二次則有「國共內戰」,對國府的軍事指揮及軍事環境都造成嚴重的影響,致使最後江山易主。 本文依據相關文獻主要探討第一次解散前的軍事委員會,透過各時期的國民政府軍政環境的變化,來探討軍委會組織、角色、功能……等變化,藉以了解各時期國民政府的軍事演變及民國以來黨政軍派系的衝突和消長等議題。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs an old saying goes, “military power brings political power,” dictators often rise and develop in chaotic ages; it is impossible to have politic power if a person has no military power. Since the founding of the Republic of China, Yuan Shih-Kai and the northern warlords had been occupying the northern China, owing to the military power they held. Conversely, since the “second revolution” of the Kuomintang (KMT), the party lost military and political power simultaneously. As a result, Sun Yat-Sen had been pondering how to seize military power while avoiding dictatorship. After consulting patterns of army establishment in other countries, a Russian model of check and balance—military council—was introduced. The earliest form of the military council was simply a military meeting without regular organization and duty. However, it gradually evolved into the highest military institution after the founding of Canton National Government. Due to serial war battles, inner organization and personnel had been changing; besides the expansion of inner organization, the number of military committee also increased steadily. Meanwhile, having a position in the military council became a sheer honor, whereas only few military generals had the real power, which later slid into the nightmare of dictatorship. In the Chinese history, national military council had been dismissed twice: the first time dismissal was shortly after the accomplishment of northern expedition; the second time dismissal was announced after the war against Japan. Shortly after the two dismissals, turmoil and upheavals took over China. Sequentially, there were the War of the Central Plain and the Civil War, bringing about serious implications and influences on the military command and military environment of the national government and eventually causing the overturn of the national government. This study discusses the military council before the first dismissal based on the relevant literature. By investigating different periods of national government situated in the changing military and political environment, the transforming role and function of military council was examined in the study in order to understand the military development of national government in different stages, the issues of conflict between military, and political factions and their rise and fall since the founding of Republic China. en_US
DC.subjectRepublic yearen_US
DC.subjectNational governmenten_US
DC.subjectMilitary Councilen_US
DC.titleA study on Military Conncil of the National Government 1917-1928en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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