博碩士論文 952306005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Te Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在探討如何有效利用背光模組的部分偏振光,來提升背光模組的光強利用率,進而改善背光模組的均一性以及偏極化現象。同時,提出以液晶光學膜的新式結構,取代傳統背光模組的擴散膜及導光板,降低背光模組的製造成本。 簡言之,背光模組的部分偏振光造成光強的損失,及均一性的惡化;因此,若能將背光模組的部分偏振光,都調整為同一方向,則光強利用率及均一性,都將獲得改善。故若能善加利用液晶的旋光性,就能控制部分偏振光的方向。 由於部分偏振光造成光強的損失約3%~4.5%,將獲得改善 ; 若再以液晶光學膜的新式結構取代傳統背光模組的擴散膜及導光板,其光學透過率更可以提升20%以上。最後,整體LCD模組的光強利用率可大幅提升40%以上。 除此以外,背光模組的光源(LED/CCFL)數量,及其周邊電子元件數量都將大量削減 ; 整體的電源功率消耗也會相對地降低,在節能減碳逐漸成為全世界共識的今天,對地球環境的保護,也有程度上的貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research is on the effective application of partial polarized light in the LCD back light module so as to raise the optical intensity of the whole module. Furthermore, the uniformity and polarization will be improved. And it will be introduced a complete new idea that it is able to use a kind of L.C. film (liquid crystal film) to take place of the diffuser & light guide of traditional back light module . By the way, the cost will be reduced, too. In a word, partial polarized light would cause the loss of optical intensity and degenerate the uniformity of the whole module. So that, the same optical axis of partial polarized light of the whole module would improve the optical intensity and uniformity. By the good application of L.C., it is possible to adjust the polarization of light. The loss of the intensity which is about 3%~4.5% due to the partial polarized light will be improved, and the optical transmission rate will be also increased more than 20% by using the newest LC film instead of the diffuser & light guide. At last, the total optical intensity of LCD module will be increased more than 40%. Moreover, the amount of LED&CCFL, including the electrical parts will be decreased; even the power consumption will be reduced, too. It is also contributed toward the trend of energy-saving & protecting the Earth.en_US
DC.subjectsimplify back light moduleen_US
DC.titleLCD 背光模組部分偏振光之有效利用及結構簡化zh_TW
DC.titleThe effective application of partial polarized light in the LCD back light module and simplify the structure of back light moduleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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