博碩士論文 954204015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSiao-Jyuan Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自2007年7月1日勞委會調漲基本工資以來,帶來許多衝擊,尤以專門僱用低薪員工的行業影響最劇,如:大型速食業及傳統小吃業,而政府也針對此次的基本工資調漲,提供一年的雇用安定補貼,而傳統小吃業是被摒棄在外的,由此看來,小吃業者的地位相對被低估,但基本工資調漲,影響的不僅是大型餐飲業者,傳統小吃業者也受害其中,故本研究將以鮮少人探討的「傳統小吃業」作為本文關注焦點,尤以法令遵行、就業、店家利潤以及員工福利措施等四個層面進行探討。   本文藉由問卷調查,以20家公私立大專院校旁的小吃店家為例,針對小吃店分布情形作分類,一是依都市化程度指標,另一是依小吃店位居區域的市場競爭程度作區分,接著提出四項假設,以瞭解此次的基本工資調整,對於傳統小吃業的真正影響程度,一是假定政府法令具有強制力,迫使小吃店必須遵循法令,故法令遵行程度高,二是小吃店依法調漲時薪,使得勞動成本上升,則雇主會減少時薪員工雇用量,三是小吃店依法調漲時薪,導致勞動成本上升,進而對店家利潤造成損害,四是在店家利潤受到損害時,而雇主會縮減相關員工福利措施,用以因應,因此,時薪員工薪資與其福利措施呈現抵換(trade-off)關係。   實證結果顯示,前段城市及高度市場競爭程度商圈較後段城市及中低度市場競爭程度商圈的小吃店雇主,具法令遵行程度,此外,時薪員工雇用量亦呈負向顯著影響,另結果亦指出,基本工資調整比例明顯超過小吃店雇主的預期,因此,也提供誘因讓小吃店雇主不去遵守法令,最後,不論在整體及分群樣本中,基本工資的調漲,確實對小吃店利潤產生負面衝擊,進而影響小吃店雇主決策,降低相關員工福利措施,以因應此次的基本工資調漲。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter the Council of Labor Affair announced the rise of the minimum wage on July 1, 2007, it has brought many impacts, especially on industries that hire low-wage employees, like large fast-food and traditional snack industries. The government provided a subsidy policy for a year, but the traditional snack industry was excluded. Thus it can be seen that the traditional snack employers’ positions were underestimated. Nevertheless, the rise of minimum wage affected not only large fast-food but also traditional snack employers. Therefore, this study would focus on traditional snack industries that few people cared for before. These sides mainly include legal compliance, employment, profits, and staff beneficial to confer.   In this study, we investigated diners near 20 different universities in Taiwan. We classified diners into different categories according to the location of each employer. One factor is the degree of urbanization index, and the other is the market competition of the area where the diners were located. Then we addressed four assumptions to know the degree to which the rise of the minimum wage had impacts on the traditional snack industry. First, we supposed that the government policies have forced diners to comply with the law. Second, once diners increased wage per hour and therefore rose their own labor cost, the employers would reduce the quantities of employers. Third, when diners increased wage per hour and rose the labor cost, employers’ profits would be reduced. Fourth, once employers’ profits were reduced, employers would reduce beneficial of employee. Therefore, employees’ wage and benefit would be showed trade-off relationship.   Our empirical results confirm that employers with the first tier cities and high market competition diners have higher degree of compliance of law than employers in second tier cities and low market competition diners did. In addition to that, there is a remarkably negative impact on the amounts of employees. The results also show that the adjustment of the minimum wage surpassed the anticipation of employers, and it caused employer not to comply with law. To sum up, no matter which samples we study, the rise of minimum wage indeed produced negative impacts on employer’ profits and make them reduce benefit of employees to face the rise of minimum wage this time.en_US
DC.subjectTraditional Snack Industryen_US
DC.subjectMinimum Wageen_US
DC.titleThe evaluation of the adjustment of Minimum wage in 2007-A study of Traditional Snack Industry.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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