博碩士論文 954300058 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Kuei Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣營建產業的發展過程在國家的經濟發展上,扮演著極為重要的角色,,然目前我國面臨景氣循環與總體產業結構調整,其關鍵性已被高科技業所取代,營造業者紛紛赴中國大陸尋覓商機。鑒於國內目前對海外投資進入模式與經營關鍵成功因素之相關文獻與研究,鮮少針對營造業進行探討,故本研究擬針對已進入或未來欲進入中國大陸之營造業者在進入模式與經營之關鍵成功因素進行探討。 中國建築產業產值自2002年起呈20%以上高幅度成長,建築業產值佔GDP超過5.5%以上,產業就業人數佔全國就業人數5.28%,處於產業生命週期中之成長期,發展板塊則向沿海長江三角、珠江三角及渤海灣傾斜。對港澳臺或外資建築企業而言,中國建築產業雖於2002年開放以獨資模式進入經營,但仍屬於限制型產業,現有廠商家數及市場佔有率相對偏低。就策略群組分析,內資群組之優勢為價格競爭與政策保護,劣勢則為技術缺乏、效率低下與資金短缺;港澳台企業優勢為文化語言相近、技術及管理能力強,劣勢有資質取得困難、國際經驗不足及目標市場規模受限;外資群組優勢在於技術能力與資金,劣勢則為語言文化隔閡及經營成本較高。 台灣營造業者目前投資的進入模式分為:(1)中外合資經營,(2)專案審批取得單項工程施工許可證,(3)鋼構廠與當地施工隊聯合承攬,(4)成立工程管理諮詢公司,(5)獨立外資經營及(6)掛靠(借牌)承包六種。 本研究採個案分析法,個案A公司為大型國際企業,採獨資模式經營,B公司採管理諮詢公司方式進入市場。藉由個案公司SWOT分析台灣營造業者在中國大陸建築產業中經營之關鍵成功因素。並對台灣營造業者的經營提出六點建議(1)確認本身優勢與劣勢,慎選進入模式、(2) 熟悉產業環境與法規、(3) 正派經營,務實面對稅務、(4) 培養國際化的建築營造技術能力、(5) 建立並善用人際關係及(6) 慎選派駐幹部,落實當地化任用策略。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe construction industry in Taiwan has played a fundamental role in the process of economic development. However, the pivotal position of the construction industry has been replaced by the high tech industry as a result of business circle and macro adjustment of industrial structure, which renders a significant number of enterprises in the construction industry have moved to Mainland China for desirable prosperity. Because the domestic documentations and researches related to Entry Mode of Foreign Investment and key success factors of management have paid less attention to further studies on construction industry, the research sets out to explore the Entry Mode and the key success factor of management with a focus on the Taiwan-based enterprises in construction industry that have already entered China market or are planning to enter China market. The output value of construction industry in China increased more than 20%, accounting for more than 5.5% of GDP and the employment rate of this sector is accounted for 5.28% of the employment in the nation, which is at the growing stage of the industry life cycle. Moreover, the development has expanded to Yangtze Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Bay. Although the construction sector in China is allowed to run the operations by wholly owned since 2002, it is still a restrictive industry. The current number of Hong Kong-based, Macao-based, Taiwan-based or even foreign enterprises and their market share are low. In terms of the analysis of the strategic group, the advantages of China-based group are pricing competition and domestic protection policy, whereas weaknesses are lack of technology, inefficiency and capital shortage. The advantages of Hong Kong-based, Macao-based and Taiwan-based enterprises are language, technology and strong management capability, while weaknesses are poor access to capital, insufficient international experience and restricted scale of the target market. The advantages of the foreign group are technology and funding capabilities, although weaknesses are language barrier, cultural gap and higher operating cost. The investment of Taiwanese construction enterprises to China can be categorized into six modes: (1)joint-venture with local firms, (2) obtaining a special permission for a particular project, (3) cooperating with local constructing companies, (4)setting up a consulting company for engineering management, (5) to build up wholly Foreign-owned subsidiary and (6) using the name (license) of a local constructing company. The factors success factors for Taiwanese construction enterprises with transnational management in China are sole-proprietary operations, integrating technology and funding capability; those for Small and medium size enterprises are joint-venture with local firms, focused professional construction skills and interpersonal relations. This essay suggests Taiwanese construction enterprises should: (1) identify their own advantages and weaknesses, choosing a proper entry mode; (2) be familiar with industrial environment and legal regulations; (3) be honest pragmatic to declare tax; (4) cultivate construction capability which is recognized internationally; (5) build and manipulate interpersonal relations, and (6) select prudently the employees to dispatch and execute the strategy of local human capital hiring.en_US
DC.subjectSWOT analysisen_US
DC.subjectKey Success Factorsen_US
DC.subjectEntry Modeen_US
DC.subjectStrategic groupen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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