博碩士論文 954304019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-wang Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以台灣半導體產業為研究主題,並以2001年至2006年間該產業85家廠商為樣本。半導體產業是台灣的重要產業,儘管台灣在全球的半導體產業已占有舉足輕重的地位,近年來成長力道已趨緩,再加上新興國家中國大陸、印度的快速崛起。台灣半導體產業要迎頭趕上領先國家並保持競爭力,必須使半導體產業不斷的升級之外,更重要的是須提升其經營效率與技術效率。而透過效率的衡量,也可幫助廠商了解其競爭優勢與劣勢、經營管理的缺點,與資源使用的情況。因此,本研究應用Fried et al.(2002)的三階段資料包絡分析法來衡量台灣半導體產業的營運績效,並提供廠商經營策略訂定之參考。 本研究實証結果,得到以下幾點結論: 1.第一階段實證結果,台灣半導體整體產業與各次產業每年的純技術效率皆小於規模效率,造成台灣半導體產業技術無效率的來源為純技術效率無效率引起,另外配置效率平均值大於技術效率平均值,表示生產純技術效率問題也是構成經濟無效率的主要因素。 2.第二階投入差額對環境變數迴歸結果;大廠商與中廠商會有多餘投入,造成資源浪費。個人產值增加與員工紅利發放增加,將會減少投入項使用。資本使用愈多將會減少員工薪資、原物料使用、研發費用使用量。2001~2006年之間IC設計與IC製造(晶圓廠)對於IC封裝與測試次產業有過多的投入差額,浪費員工薪資、研發費用投入資源的情況。設廠愈久,對原物料使用的使用愈浪費。 3.第三階段研究發現,造成台灣半導體產業技術無效率的原因為規模無效率,表示廠商未在最適生產規模從事生產,欲加以調整改善其經營效率應先從該部分著手。另外配置效率平均值大於技術效率平均值,表示生產規模無效率也是構成經濟無效率的主要因素。 4.檢定一、三階段的效率值發現技術效率、純技術效率、配置效率、經濟效率皆有顯著的差異,顯示第二階段之調整確實具有影響,廠商的營運環境與運氣確實影響廠商效率之表現。因此,應以第三階段結果進行分析才有意義,也能提供經營管理者,針對廠商之實際經營環境做出正確的判斷決策與經營方針。 5.研究發現台積電與聯發科在各年的經營效率表現穩定且良好,此經營績效反映於台積電晶圓代工全球第一,聯發科為全球10大IC設計廠商表現上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research tried to estimate the operational efficiency of Taiwan semiconductor industry as to study topic, and using industry’’s 85 manufacturers empirical data from 2001 to 2006.The semiconductor industry is Taiwan’’s important industry, although Taiwan held the pivotal status in the global semiconductor industry, in recent years grew the strength to become slow, in addition emerging country mainland China, India fast rose. The Taiwan semiconductor industry must try to catch up the leading country and maintain the competitive power, the semiconductor industry must unceasing promotion, also must promote its operational efficiency and the technical efficiency. By the efficiency measure, can help the manufacturer to understand its competitive advantage and the inferiority, the management and operation shortcoming, with resources use situation. Consequently, this research applies Fried et al. (2002) three stage DEAs to measure the operation performance of Taiwan semiconductor industry , the finding of this research may give correct judgment decision and suggestions to improve the operational efficiency. The main results are summarized below: 1.The stage one empirical result, the Taiwan semiconductor overall industry with each industrial average efficiency value, every year technical efficiency lower than the scale efficiency, Taiwan semiconductor industry technology inefficiency cause by pure technical efficiency inefficiency, also is the constitution economical inefficiency primary factor. 2.The stage two regression of input slacks on environment variable result; The large manufacturer have the surplus input with the manufacturer induce the resources waste. The manufacturer increases employees production value and employee’’s bonus to issue, will be able to reduce an input item use. The manufacturer increase capital input will be reduce the staff salary, raw material, researches and develops the expense amount of use. Between 2001~2006 years the IC design and the IC manufacture (wafer factory) have the surplus input, wastes the staff salary and R&D input resources situation. Sets up the factory to be long, wastes to the raw material use. 3.The stage three research finds causes of Taiwan semiconductor industry technique inefficiency derive from scale inefficiency,expressed that the manufacturer has not been engaged in the production in the optimal scale of production, another allocation efficiency is higher than technique efficiency, in other word,the prime reason of economic inefficiency is owing to scale inefficiency. 4.Test stage one and three technical efficiency、pure technical efficiency、 allocation efficiency、economic efficiency all has apparent difference, Demonstrated that adjustment of the second stage has the change efficiency value, the environment variable and random error affect the manufacturer efficiency. Therefore, should based on the analysis by the third stage result also only then to have the significance。Provides the manufacturer to make the correct judgment decision-making and the direction of management.en_US
DC.subjectscale efficienciesen_US
DC.subjectthree stage data envelopment analysisen_US
DC.subjectallocation efficiencyen_US
DC.subjecttechnical efficiencyen_US
DC.subjectsemiconductor industryen_US
DC.subjecteconomic efficiencyen_US
DC.titleAssessing the operational efficiency of semiconductor industry in Taiwan-An three stage data envelopment analysis Approachen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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