博碩士論文 955303023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Yen Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract基地台(Node-B)為用戶設備(UE)與無線網路控制器(RNC)間重要的溝通橋樑,基地台利用RF訊號與手機通訊,在上鏈部份,接收用戶設備上傳的資訊,轉換並向無線網路控制器傳遞,在下鏈部份亦將無線網路控制器傳來的資訊轉換成RF訊號下傳至用戶設備,因此行動通訊的品質優劣,取決於基地台的位置與天線的設計。而基地台的建置,常因選定位置的屋主無意願租賃,或預計建設的地點遭周圍住戶抗爭,而無法在預期最佳處取得架設位置,因此天線的高度/方向/傾角設計與基地台參數的設定,對於行動通訊的品質便顯得相形重要。 目前業界工程師,於基地台建置時,其天線方位及天線傾角設計方式大多僅靠自身經驗來規劃,其基地台所涵蓋的區域是否能達到預期的效能,便只能於事後的訊號測試取得數據後再作調整,其調整狀況並無參考有效資訊,故有可能一再路測,不斷調整。 本論文利用訊號涵蓋模型,輸入天線形式、高度、傾角及基地台發射功率,利用模型演算後得到預估涵蓋範圍及訊號接收強度,再參考須改善區域內所涵蓋細胞的負載,根據預估狀況調整天線及基地台參數,本研究方式是將實際利用訊號測試儀器所測得之狀態與此模型演算出的結果作比對驗證,以作為未來天線傾角設計的參考資訊,進而有效率地優化現有的行動通訊網路。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNode-B is major communication media between RNC and user equipment (UE), it contains radio frequency(RF) transmitter(s) and the receiver(s) used to communicate directly with the mobiles. In uplink, the Node B receives the upload data, it transfers signals and transmits to the RNC. In downlink, it also handovers the data from RNC and transmits it to UE. Therefore, the service quality of mobile communication depends upon the location of the Node B and the design of antenna. However, the construction of Node B has not been approved by the owner of land as usual or triggered protest from neighboring residents. Since operators can’t build up with the best location identified it has been quite important for the height, direction and the angle of antenna design that must be considered for good service quality of mobile communication. So far engineers usually works out the height, direction and angle of antenna in terms of their own experiences as the Node B is installed. Coverage area of antenna meets the expected performance or not, it only relies on data collected by signal test afterward to adjust. The continuous adjustment probably occurs when performing invalid data. The thesis is to take advantage of signal coverage model and input antenna type, height, angle and node B transmit frequency related data to estimate coverage range and signal strength. Furthermore the antenna and Node B parameters were adjusted referring to the need to improve the area covered by the cell loading. The results above were estimated. In the research, the model was verified by comparing with the data collected by signal test in practice. It supports the angle of antenna design in the future and efficiently optimizes the existing service quality of mobile communication.en_US
DC.subjectNode B Coverageen_US
DC.subjectAntenna tilt adjusten_US
DC.subjectNode B Parameter tuningen_US
DC.subjectWCDMA Network Optimizationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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