博碩士論文 956402004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Te Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe earthquakes were well recorded by very dense strong-motion network Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (TSMIP). The sufficient records provide an opportunity to analyze the earthquake position how influence the basin response. We apply single spectral ratio method (H/V ratio) to analyze the records at 43 stations of the Taipei TSMIP network. The result of H/V ratios comparison of depth indicated the H/V ratios obtained using deep events for the most part larger than shallow events at low frequency (0.2~3.0Hz). The analysis result of H/V ratios comparison of azimuth indicate that the H/V ratios obtained using southwest earthquakes generally larger than southeast when the stations located in the northern part of the basin, but show unapparent when the stations near the central and southern part of the basin. The result of H/V ratios comparison of epicenter distance indicated the H/V ratios show unapparent spectra ratios difference between far and near epicenter. We apply 2D and 3D numerical modeling to Taipei basin. The simulations show that for the Taipei basin, generation of large H/V spectral amplifications occur for large degree planar S-wave front. The simulations also show that the H/V spectral amplifications display strong planar S-wave front azimuthal dependence. The modeling obtained similar conclusion with the observed analysis. In this study we use 2D and 3D finite-difference method to simulating the wave propagation of the JiaSian earthquake. The results of the simulation demonstrate that the long duration surface wave of the west ChiaNan plain resulting from the multi-pathing waves trapped in the top Pleistocene formation. The snapshots of the wave propagation display that the seismic wave bending on the Shanhua and Shinshi area along Zengwun River. The larger PGV and PGD maybe the reason explains that the TN110 train de-railed but TN105 not cause by the seismic wave bending and local site effect.en_US
DC.subjectsingle spectral ratioen_US
DC.subjectfinite differenceen_US
DC.subjectJiaSian earthquakeen_US
DC.subjectwave propagationen_US
DC.titleThe characteristic of ground motion and seismic wave simulation of the Taipei basin and the ChiaNan plainen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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