博碩士論文 957203007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiu-Yu Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,隨著民主思潮與政府職能擴充,傾聽人民的聲音、滿足民眾需求,衍然成為現代國家極重要的課題,也因此,政府政策行銷的策略影響著政府每一個政策的成效,甚至牽動著人民與政府間的關係。對於客家族群而言,客家桐花祭活動可以說是極具代表性的文化創意產業活動,目前以桐花為意象的產品與產業正蓬勃發展。行政院客家委員會自2002年舉辦以來,此活動為客家地區在深耕文化、振興產業、帶動觀光、活化客庄上扮演重要角色,基此,本研究針對舉辦至今的客家桐花祭活動,探討政府在客家桐花祭活動中政策行銷策略模式、實際成效及現況。 本研究採取三回合匿名式專家集體決策德菲法(Delphi),以建構「客家桐花祭活動政策行銷策略成效評估指標」;此外,為評估各面向指標相對重要性權重分配與排序,乃運用層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP),旨建構「客家桐花祭活動政策行銷策略成效評估指標相對權重體系」;最後,經由產、官、媒、學各界利害關係人的深度訪談,窺探活動發展現況與實際行銷成效。研究發現,客家桐花祭活動政策行銷策略成效評估指標與相對權重體系,共分成四大面向及19項次級指標,四大面向依其重要性分別為:活動推廣:宣傳倡導與行銷面向(29.5%)、活動效益:客家文化發展與地方永續面向(28.1%)、活動管理:政策規劃與執行面向(22.8%)、活動內容:客家文化創意面向(19.5%)。最後,研提七項政策建議:(1)擴展行銷策略的廣度與深度;(2)階段性角色轉換;(3)顧客需求的配套措施;(4)人才培育與新血注入;(5)區域性整合模式;(6)尋求國際藝術節模式;(7)桐花經驗的傳承等,俾供決策當局調整客家桐花祭活動或各項客家節慶活動行銷策略之參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, along with democratic trend and the expansion of government functions, listening to the voice of the people and satisfying the public’s needs have become an extremely important topic for modern countries. Therefore, the government’s strategy of policy marketing will influence the results of every government policy, even affecting the relationship between the people and the government. As for the Hakka people, the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival could be one of the most representative activities of cultural creativity industries. Currently, the symbolic products of tung flower and related industries are flourishing and developing. The Council for Hakka Affairs of Executive Yuan has been holding this activity since 2002. This activity has played an important role in promoting the culture in Hakka regions, prospering the industry, promoting tourism, and activating the Hakka villages. Because of this, the research geared toward the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival (which is still being held today) and discussed about the government’s strategy model, actual results, and present condition of government’s policy marketing in the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival. This research utilized the three-round Delphi Method of anonymous expert group to construct “the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival’s strategy result evaluation index of policy marketing”. Besides, in order to evaluate the weight distribution and ranking of each dimension’s index relative significance, the analytic hierarchy process method (AHP) was used. The purpose was to establish “the evaluation index relative weight system of the strategy results of policy marketing in the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival”. Lastly, through conducting in-depth interviews with the interested parties of the industries, the government, the media, and the academic field, we could understand the development and the actual marketing results of the activities. The research discovered that “the evaluation index relative weight system of the strategy results of policy marketing in the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival” could be divided into 4 dimensions and 19 secondary indexes. According to the significance, the 4 dimensions are: the dimension of propaganda and marketing (activity promotion, 29.5%), the dimension of the Hakka culture development and local sustainable management (activity results, 28.1%), the dimension of policy planning and execution (activity management, 22.8%), the dimension of the Hakka cultural creativity (activity contents, 19.5%). In the end, the research proposed 7 policy suggestions: (1) expanding the width and depth of the marketing strategies, (2) stage by stage role switch, (3) the complementary measures fitting the customers’ needs, (4) the training plans of talented individuals, along with the addition of new people, (5) the regional integration model, (6) seeking the mode of international art festivals, (7) passing down of the Tung flower Festival experiences. The aforementioned information serves as a reference for the related decision makers regarding the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival or various kinds of Hakka Festival activities. en_US
DC.subjectThe Hakka Tung Blossom Festivalen_US
DC.subjectFestival Activitiesen_US
DC.subjectPolicy Marketingen_US
DC.subjectDelphi Methoden_US
DC.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)en_US
DC.titleA study of the government’s strategic results of policy marketing, using the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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