博碩士論文 957203010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-pai Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,台灣由於少子化的趨勢,影響學校的經營發展,也導致許多偏遠地區中小學面臨裁併危機,除了教育選擇權被剝奪,更造成偏遠地區學生的多重弱勢;但偏遠地區學校自然生態資源實比都市豐富,有利於發展成為特色學校。基此,本研究以北部地區特色學校為研究個案,選擇具代表性之客家特色學校2所和非客家特色學校3所進行深度訪談,探究偏遠地區中小學推動與轉型成為特色學校之作法與成效,以及採取跨部門合作的實務應用,希冀提供偏遠地區中小學再生發展的方向,並且喚醒教育當局的重視。   研究發現,客家與非客家特色學校跨部門合作模式可分為四大面向,(1)環境面:重視特色學校的外部環境因素,包含面臨少子化趨勢與法規政策的影響;內部經濟因素,是為達到互補資源;其他非經濟因素,則有鑑於過去成功的漁光經驗以及NPO和媒體的積極倡議。(2)過程面:特色學校的理念目標,為維持基本的家庭功能和轉型為社區學習與文化中心;經營策略是善用在地人文與自然資源發展特色課程;領導者的領導能力與團隊經營模式,亦是邁向成功不可或缺之關鍵;遭遇的困境包含成員之間理念不同,人力、經費等資源的稀少。(3)組織面:以政府和學校為主軸所推動之特色學校方案主要有台北縣教育局特色學校方案,以及教育部推動國民中小學活化校園空間與發展特色學校計畫;以NPO推動特色學校之跨部門合作,即伊甸結合遠見雜誌籌募偏遠小學基金,挹注資源協助偏鄉小校活化再生。(4)結果面:各校發展獨樹一格的特色課程,除創造教育價值外,亦能提升行政效能與教學品質,使學校和社區緊密結合。   至於客家與非客家特色學校經營策略比較,客家特色學校如笨港國小,客家漁村文化成為學校規劃課程的方向,希冀能保存與發揚在地文化,以及致力發展社區課程、天文課程與客家文化課程,同時積極尋求合作夥伴,結合在地社區資源投入笨港社區的經營建設。非客家特色學校如濂洞國小,透過策略聯盟與鄰近學校聯合推動國際遊學,除致力發展學校本位的特色課程外,更希望吸引國外學生遊學或觀光,創造無可取代的小校存在價值。具體而言,推動特色學校與跨部門合作成效包括:整體資源增加、學生人數回流、學校轉型社區學習與文化中心,以及創造學校附加價值與存在價值。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the trend of baby bust in Taiwan has influenced schools’ management and development. As a result, many elementary and junior high schools in remote areas face the crisis of cutting down and merging. The educational choices are deprived, and a tendency of multiple weaknesses is the result. However, schools in remote areas have richer natural resources than city schools. They have the advantage of developing into featured schools. Because of this, this research used the northern featured schools in Taiwan as the cases for studying. We chose two Hakka featured schools and three non-Hakka featured schools, and began in-depth interviews with them. On the other hand, elementary and junior high schools in remote areas have been promoting and transitioning into featured schools. Thus, we studied their methods and results, as well as understanding the practical application of cross sector collaboration. We hope to provide elementary and junior high schools in remote areas with a direction of renewal development and awaken the educational authorities’ attention.   This research discovered that the cross sector collaboration models of Hakka and non-Hakka featured schools could be divided into four facets. (1)Environment: They paid attention to the external environmental factors of the featured schools, including the influences of the baby bust trend and the regulation policies. The internal economic factors were meant to mutually complement resources. Other non-economic factors were there because of past successful experience of Yu-Gwang Elementary School and the aggressive promotion of the NPO and the media. (2)Process: The concept and goals of featured schools were to maintain the family’s basic functions and transform to community learning and cultural centers. Management policies were meant to efficiently use the local culture and natural resources to develop featured courses. The leadership ability and team work management models of the leaders were indispensable keys for success. The obstacles encountered included different concepts between members, and the lack of manpower, funds and other resources. (3)Organization: “The program for featured schools” was mainly promoted by the government and schools. It mainly contained two projects: the “Program for featured schools” promoted by Bureau of Education of Taipei County, and the “Plan of campus space activation and development of featured schools” by Ministry of Education for public elementary and junior high schools. The NPO promoted the cross sector collaboration between featured schools, and the Eden united with Global Views Monthly Magazine to fundraise some money for schools in remote areas. Hence, resources were sent to assist schools in remote areas to activate and renew their campuses. (4)Results: Each campus developed its featured courses with unique styles. Besides creating educational value, featured courses can also increase administrative efficiency and teaching quality so that schools and communities can be more closely connected.   Furthermore, we also compared the management strategies of Hakka and non-Hakka Schools. Ben-Gang Elementary School, which was one of the Hakka featured schools, used Hakka culture as the school’s direction of course planning. They hoped that the local culture could be preserved and strongly promoted, as well as community courses, astronomy courses and Hakka culture courses. At the same time, they aggressively sought cooperation partners and united the local community’s resources into the infrastructure of the Ben-Gang community. Liandong Elementary School, which was one of the non-Hakka featured schools, united with nearby schools to promote international tours and studies through strategic alliances. Besides devotedly developing the school’s local and featured courses, there was a hope to further attract foreign students to come for tours or studies, thus creating an irreplaceable existing value for small schools. Specifically, the effects of promoting the featured schools and the cross sector collaboration included: the increase of all the resources, the return of the number of students, transforming of schools into community and cultural center, and creating supplementary value and existing value for the schools. en_US
DC.subjectFeatured Schoolen_US
DC.subjectSocial Enterpriseen_US
DC.subjectCross Sector Collaborationen_US
DC.subjectGrounded Theoryen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Cross Sector Collaboration of Hakka and Non-Hakka Featured Schools.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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