博碩士論文 957305003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-Hui Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣過去的語言政策,獨尊「北京話」為「國語」,壓制本土語言,導致本土語言生存空間極為嚴峻,台灣的客家族群也是這場時代悲劇的受害者之一。本文嘗試藉「國家語言發展法」草案之探討為起點,試圖對台灣客家族群語言問題之解決,提出對策。 本文透過文獻分析進行第二章「理論探討」、第三章「國家語言發展法草案相關法律暨草案析探」,再以深度訪談進行第四章:政策面、法制面、執行面之分析,最後於第五章提出結論與建議: 1.聯合國的「文化多樣性公約」,標舉了全世界人類的共同願景 ,這是現代民主國家尊重人權的指標,早日訂立語言保障法律, 才是比較進步的政策作為。 2.落實執行,迄今唯一的語言公平相關法律—「大眾運輸工具播音 語言平等保障法」,推廣語言公平觀念。 3.學習新加坡,定期舉行語言檢討委員會與制定相關語言課程配套 措施,針對語言政策或課程上的缺失進行補救.。 4.借鑑加拿大「馬賽克」式的多元文化政策,每一塊「瓷磚」都能 保持自己的文化風格。 5.複製紐西蘭毛利語復育經驗,獎助設立「客家幼稚園」、「客家 小學」,延續客語命脈。 6.尊重多元文化是普世價值,台灣各族群的語言、文化,台灣的政 府與人民,有義務建構「語言資料庫」保存。 7.以同心圓理論設計,落實各級學校客語教學,鼓勵跨族群學習, 主動爭取其他族群認同。 8.客家人應體認客家話之復育與傳承,關鍵在於客家意識之覺醒。 9.以「審議式民主」的理念,透過社區大學彌補代議制度的不足, 可為客家族群「語言權」保障,找到新方向.。 期待有助於政府語言政策推動,增進台灣客家族群「語言權」之保障。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan’’s past language policy placed sole emphasis on “Standard Mandarin (based on Beijing dialect)” as the “National Language”, which severely suppressed the livelihood of native languages and the Hakka community of Taiwan was also one of the victims of this historic tragedy. This paper aims to use the “National Language Development Bill” as a basis for discussion to propose measures to resolve the problems surrounding Taiwan’’s Hakka language. The structure of this paper consists of literature review in Chapter 2 “Theory Analysis” and “Analysis of National Language Development Bill and Related Laws and Bills” in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, in-depth interviews were conducted for policy, law and implementation aspect analysis and in the final chapter, Chapter 5, there is the conclusion and recommendations. 1.The UNESCO “Convention on Cultural Diversity” lists the common vision of all humanity. This is the benchmark to measure the respect of human rights by modern democracies. Early establishment of language protection laws is a sign of an advance and more progressive policy. 2.Enforce the current and only language equality related law, the “Public Transportation Broadcast Equality Protection Law” to promote the concept of language equality. 3.Learn from Singapore’’s experience of periodically organizing language review councils and development of language related curriculum measures to resolve or remedy language policy and language curriculum deficiencies. 4.Refer to Canada’’s “mosaic” multiculturalism policies where each individual “tile” can maintain its own cultural identity. 5.Replicate New Zealand’’s Maori language revival experience, reward the establishment of “Hakka kindergartens” and “Hakka elementary schools” to continue the Hakka language line. 6.Acknowledge that respect for cultural diversity is a universal value. Preservation of the languages and cultures of Taiwan’’s ethnic groups as well as the construction of a “Language Database” is the duty of Taiwan’’s government as well as its people. 7.Use the “concentric theory” to design and implement Hakka language education at all education levels, encourage cross-cultural learning and actively strive for acceptance from other communities. 8.The Hakka people should understand and realize the importance of the revival and inheritance of the Hakka language; the key to this is the awakening of Hakka consciousness. 9.Through community colleges, use the idea of “deliberative democracy” to address the inadequacies of the representative democracy system. This can help discover a new direction for the preservation of the Hakka’’s “linguistic rights”. This paper is written in hope of providing assistance to government language policy design and implementation and improve the security of Taiwan’’s Hakka people’’s “linguistic rights”.en_US
DC.subjectlanguage policyen_US
DC.subjectlanguage rightsen_US
DC.subjectHakka linguistic rightsen_US
DC.titlePreservation of Taiwan Hakka “Linguistic Rights”A research using the National Language Development Billen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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