博碩士論文 957305005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Ling Sungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract2003年7月1日,全球第一個標榜客家的全頻道-客家電視台誕生!這個由行政院客委會編列預算運作的電視台,目的是為發揚客家文化,培育客家傳播人才。而在整個電視台裡工作人員最多的是新聞部,此部門目前負責產製出每天三節、每節半小時至一小時之客家新聞,以及數個塊狀新聞性節目。然而製播的客家新聞,收視表現與受到的關注,始終未如預期,原因何在?本研究試以客家電視新聞製播五大環節(播報、採訪、過音、編輯、鏡面),分析其處理型態及衍生之影響。本研究使用針對一般媒體資深業界人士進行之深度訪談法、針對客家電視新聞觀眾進行之焦點團體座談法,以及研究者本身曾參與客家電視新聞部工作之觀察、並與客家電視台長官和第一線新聞工作者意見交流之參與觀察法,三法並行。 研究發現受訪者對客家電視新聞期許甚深,普遍希望能更增加新聞的多元性與創意思維,並強化客家特質,讓新聞更好看、製播品質更具競爭力。此外,觀眾代表對客家電視新聞處理五大環節喜好度之排序,統計結果為:鏡面>編輯>採訪>過音>播報,可供客台參考。綜言之,「人民為本、客家為體、專業為用」是客家電視三大營運理念,但什麼樣的表現才是「新聞專業」?本研究認為,由於觀眾在台灣商業媒體長期洗禮下養成的收視習慣,在看待公共族群頻道時應做調整;至於客台新聞製播單位也須重視觀眾意見,積極互動,才能發揮媒體影響力。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOn July 1, 2003, the first Hakka-language television - Hakka Television Station – began its first-ever broadcast. Financially supported by the Council for Hakka Affairs of The Executive Yuan, the goal of this unique television station is to promote Hakka culture, and develop media professionals of Hakka-descent. The biggest department of the television station is the News Department, which produces three daily 30 to 60-minute Hakka-related news shows, as well as several longer weekly news programs. However, the actual audience ratings and concern for the Hakka Television News did not achieve its forecasted viewership. Why? This research seeks to answer this by analyzing the five-part (to anchor, to interview, to voice-over, to edit, to design screen) production process of Hakka TV News. In addition, the research utilizes in-depth interviews with senior media professionals in Taiwan, focus groups comprised of the Hakka TV News audience, and participant observation of the senior management and frontline editorial staff of the Hakka TV News.   The research discovered the participants in Hakka TV News hoped to be more competitive and attractive to its audience by improving the quality of its new reporting through increased diversity and creativity from the Hakka perspective. In addition, statistical analysis of the Hakka TV News audience opinion identified five mechanisms that attracted them to the station: screen designs > edits > interviews > voicing > anchors. Hakka TV’s goal of producing news is based on three principles “For the People, From the Hakka Perspective, Done Professionally”. So how should Hakka TV News achieve these goals? The research concludes that the television audience’s preferences for ethnic-focused public channels require adjustment compared to their preferences for mainstream Taiwanese commercial media. Hakka TV News needs to take into account its audience’s opinion through positive interaction so that it can achieve its media influence on the public. en_US
DC.subjectaccess to the mediaen_US
DC.subjectviewing behavioren_US
DC.subjectnews processingen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Broadcasting Systemen_US
DC.subjectHakka Televisionen_US
DC.titleA study of the Hakka TV News processing philosophy and influenceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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