博碩士論文 961203004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYIN-YU CHENen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract比利時作家喬治‧西默農(Georges Simenon)筆下的「馬戈探長系列」(La série Maigret)在法語偵探小說界裡極富盛名。馬戈探長在辦案的過程中時常到酒館小酌一番,即使公務再繁忙,也不忘記三餐,飲食的場景頻繁的出現在小說中,似乎具有某些特定目的。本文主要試圖從六本馬戈探長小說,以及其他馬戈偵辦案件,分析食物與故事情節推演與人物塑造之間的關係。 第一章探討馬戈探長系列裡的食物呈現。西默農將個人的美食喜好投射在馬戈探長身上,使得小說裡飲食的相關場景頻繁出現。本文先以飲品(La boisson)和食物(La nourriture)分別探討飲食與文本的關係,接著從食物的選擇與呈現方式來分析其和故事的時間與空間營造的關聯性。 第二章從食物的描述方式討論飲食在小說中扮演的角色和修辭學上的意涵。在「馬戈探長系列」中,食物為故事提供了背景框架,具有連結現在與過去的功能,並且呈現書中人物的情緒。食物的色、香、味不僅挑動了人類的感官,也更進一步強化了西默農小說特有的氛圍。作者將食物的象徵、隱喻和換喻巧妙地與女性身體的描述結合在一起,一方面暗示出未清楚表達的內容,另一方面也增添不少想像空間。 第三章著重在食物與人物塑造之間的關係。首先分析的是食物引發的情感。飲食行為讓馬戈探長充滿了人情味,免於成為辦案機器,當他面對不同對象所吃所喝的東西都代表著不同的情感。因此,在偵訊嫌犯時,馬戈探長對於食物的選擇可能暗示著對方是否為真正兇手。此外,每個人物的飲食行為使食物也能成為區分人物的社會地位、個性以及性別的指標。 偵探小說的讀者多半享受著推理的過程。在「馬戈探長系列」裡,飲食行為或許能成為另一種破案線索。因此,食物的描述並非無意義的。相反地,他們提供了讀者在閱讀西默農時不同的角度與樂趣。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGeorges Simenon, a Belgian writer, is best-known for his Commissaire Maigret series. Commissaire Maigret often goes to a bar for drinking during investigation. Even if he is busy, he never forgets his three meals. Without doubt, the drinking and eating scenes have significant purposes. In this thesis, we explore the relation between the foods, the plots and the characters in six Maigret novels and some other Maigret’s investigations. In chapter I, we focus on the presentations of foods in the Maigret series. Simenon projects his culinary preferences on Maigret, and drinking and eating scenes appear frequently in the fictions. Thus, we analyze these scenes by classifying them into two categories, the drinkable and the edible. In addition, based on the way that Simenon chooses and presents foods, we discuss the interaction between food scenes and the space as well as the time of the story lines. In the second chapter, we study the descriptions about eating and drinking so that we can seize the roles of foods in the fictions and their rhetorical functions. In the Commissaire Maigret series, foods provide a framework of the stories; they can also recall the past. Furthermore, they help to demonstrate the emotions of the characters. The color, the smell and the flavor of the foods stimulate people’s sensations and intensify an atmosphere typically Simenonian. Rhetorically, Simenon skillfully connects the symbol, the metaphor, and the metonymy of foods and the descriptions of female bodies. This connection creates some other meanings and gives a room for the imagination of readers. Finally, we consider the relation between foods and the personalities of the characters. We analyze the affection caused by foods. Dining behavior makes Maigret more like a human being than a detective machine. While he faces different people, foods and beverages may suggest different sentiments. Thus, when inspecting the suspects, Maigret’s choices on foods may identify the real murderer. Also, Simenon arranges carefully eating and drinking scenes so that foods can be used to distinguish the characters’ social status, personalities, and the gender. The readers usually enjoy the process of investigation and the disclosure of the murderer when reading detective or crime fictions. In Commissaire Maigret series, the consumption of foods and beverages can be a clue to the crime. Hence, foods are by no means insignificant details or decorations. Instead, they provide readers an alternative perspective and a supplementary fun while reading Simenon. en_US
DC.subjectCommissaire Maigreten_US
DC.subjectDetective Fictionen_US
DC.subjectFood and Drinken_US
DC.titleBoire et Manger dans la série Maigret de Georges Simenonen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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