博碩士論文 961203008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-chi Chuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract第一人(Le Premier homme)為阿爾貝.卡繆(Albert Camus)逝世後三十多年才由他的女兒編排發行。此書主要描繪主人公傑克.柯爾梅里(Jacques Cormery),藉由探訪父親的墳墓,進而引發對其祖先過往足跡之探尋和追憶童年的故事。故事背景及經歷與作者有許多相似之處,因此,此書常被視為自傳式小說或半自傳性作品。 本論文首先依據作者所留下之書信及《第一人》之敘事,將此書視為成長小說。但因成長小說亦同時具有自傳之特性,因此我們在本章中比較成長小說及自傳兩種文類,再將此書與十九世紀法國傳統成長小說相類比,闡明兩者之異同。 因《第一人》作者及其人物之間具有許多共通點,因此,第二章首先釐清兩者間錯綜複雜的關係。進而探討書中刻劃的主人公所面臨的困境,以及卡繆面對阿爾及利亞戰爭所產生的難題。而書中所描繪的情節和主人公所採取的態度和立場,其實亦是作者對自身處境之影射與投射。 本論文最後一章將從卡繆第一部作品《反與正》(L’Envers et l’endroit)1958年所加的序言著手,探討作者寫作《第一人》之目的。從中亦可發現他所持的立場其實是源於他在阿爾及利亞的成長背景,其立場則是建立在人道主義思想之上。而孕育卡繆人道主義的主要元素為自然以及人與人之間的兄弟情誼,這種種我們亦可在《第一人》中清楚察覺到。 由此,我們可知,《第一人》之書寫,並非只是建立在作者對於其祖國及家庭的依戀之上。而是透過一種自我書寫的形式,來傳達自身的立場及其人道主義的思想。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe First man is a posthumous novel of Albert Camus published by his daughter in 1994, thirty years after his death. The narrative focuses on Jacques Cormery, a descendant of immigration from France. After visiting the tomb of his father, he started to search the past of his ancestors and recall his own childhood. The early life of Jacques is quite similar to the experience of Camus himself. That is reason why The First man was usually considered as an autobiographical novel or a semi-autobiography. According to some letters and some notes of Camus, we infer that the author intended to make The First man a novel of education. Therefore, in the first chapter of our thesis, we treat The First man as a Bildungsroman. We compare the autobiography and the Bildungsroman, and point out the standards that make The First man a Bildungsroman. As we know, the nineteenth century was the period of rapid growth of Bildungsroman in France. Accordingly, we make the comparison between the Bildungsroman of nineteenth century and twentieth century in order to pinpoint their dissimilitude. In the second chapter, we establish firstly the connection between Camus and Jacques because of their similarities. We extend then our analysis by discussing the dilemma of Jacques and the situation of Camus during the Algerian war. The story of the novel and the attitude of Jacques are in fact the projections of the experience of the author himself. In the last chapter, we begin by studying the preface of L’Envers et l’endroit added in 1958 so as to disclose his intention of writing The First man. Therefore, we can affirm that his position was influenced by his experiences and life in Algeria, and this position was built on the humanism. The humanism of Camus is constructed by two major elements which we can observe in The First man as well: the nature and the solidarity.. In conclusion, we can say that First man is not just a novel created for expressing the author’s attachment to Algeria and his family, it’s also a way to explain and to defend his own position and the principle of his humanist thought. en_US
DC.subjectLe Premier hommeen_US
DC.titleLire Le Premier Homme : A la recherche de la genese de la pensee humaniste chez Albert Camus - a travers ses annees de formationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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