博碩士論文 961301003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHONG-BIN SUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract汪端為清代著名的女詩人,自幼深好史學,並以自己豐富的歷史學養,在詠史詩的創作上取得很高的成就,本文即以「汪端詠史詩研究」為題,冀望能對汪端的詠史創作有更進一步的理解與認識。 本論文共分六章:第一章「緒論」論述研究的動機與目的、前人研究成果及研究範圍與方法;第二章「汪端之家世背景、生平與詩學觀、史學觀」以前人研究成果為主,輔以傳記以及汪端詩文之描寫,針對詩人的生平做一番探查,接著論述汪端所編選之《明三十家詩選》始末,以明其詩學主張,並結合汪端之生平及著作來探究汪端之史學觀;第三章「詠史詩發展概述與汪端詠史詩之創作因緣」針對詠史詩的源流、成立及發展加以討論,並論述清代詠史詩發展之背景,以助瞭解與探究汪端詠史詩之創作因緣;第四章「汪端詠史詩的題材取向與主題探討」為分析汪端詠史詩之主題與內涵,先將其題材分為歷史人物或事件、歷史古跡與史事雜詠,作為討論的基礎,再針對其內容歸納成(一)對士不遇的遺憾與感慨;(二)對國家命運的憂慮與關懷;(三)對理想典型的認同與傾慕;(四)對婦女價值的頌揚與肯定等四個主題來理解汪端詠史詩其背後表達的立場觀念及思想內涵;第五章「汪端詠史詩的寫作手法與風格特色」論述汪端詠史詩的寫作方法及其風格特色,先採用張玉穀對於左思詠史詩的四種寫作方法定義來分析汪端的詠史詩,再經由對汪端詠史詩中「含蓄蘊藉」、「沈鬱悲慨」等風格的討論,希望對其詠史創作有更進一步的理解與認識;第六章「結論」就各章節之分析與探討予以歸納,分別從汪端詠史詩的題材取向、主題內涵、寫作特色三個層面試論汪端詠史詩的地位及價值。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWang Duan was a famous female poet in the Qing dynasty. She was a keen learner of history since childhood, and has gained extraordinary achievements in poetry of history through her rich knowledge in history. The present study was based on the study of Wang Duan’s poetry on history. The aim of the study was to gain further understanding and insight on Wang Duan’s poems of history. The present study was divided into six sections: the introduction of section one discussed the rationale and purpose for the study, as well as previous research results, parameters, and methods in the literature. The second section was on the background, life, poetry perspective, and history perspective of Wang Duan. This section was an investigation based on previous research results in the literature, as well as descriptions of Wang Duan and her poems in historical texts. It was followed by a discussion on “Thirty Peoms of Ming Dynasty” complied by Wang Duan and was representative of her poetic ideals. Wang Duan’s life and works were also investigated as a part of a discussion on her history perspective. The third section of this study, “Development of History Poetry in Relation to Wang Duan’s Creative Motive”, discussed the origin, formation, and development of history poems. The development and background of Qing dynasty history poems was also discussed to assist understanding and insight on the reasons for Wang Duan’s poetic creativity. The fourth section was on Wang Duan’s choice of history poem contents and themes. This section analyzed the theme and content of Wang Duan’s poems. The content was discussed in terms of choice of historical figures or events, and historical relics. These types of contents were further classified into (1) sorrows and emotional reactions regarding tragic figures and events; (2) concerns and care for the nation’s fate; (3) recognition and admiration for classic ideals; (4) praise and affirmation for female values. These four topics were used to understand the stance, views and perspective, and thinking behind Wang Duan’s history poems. The fifth section was on the poetic style and unique characters of Wang Duan’s poetry. This section discussed Wang Duan’s creative style and unique features. Zhang Yu-gu’s four creative style classification definitions on left wing history poetry was used to analyze Wang Duan’s history poems. Then such styles as the “subtle metaphor” and “sorrowful emotions of injustice” were discussed in order to gain deeper understanding in her poetic creations. The sixth section was the conclusion, and was a summary of the analysis and discussions in previous sections. The status and value of Wang Duan’s poetry on history were concluded in terms of her theme choice, theme content, and poetic style. en_US
DC.subjecthistory poemen_US
DC.subjecttalented femaleen_US
DC.subjectPoems Composed in the Naturally-Studious Study Ren_US
DC.subjectfemale poeten_US
DC.subjectWang Duanen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Wang Duan’s Poetry on Historyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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