博碩士論文 961301015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiu-yi Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文以林文義散文中的「現實關懷」為研究主題。框定作家已出版的散文作品為對象,爬梳其中蘊涵現實關懷的敘述,依照關懷的主題予以歸納,利用社會學的相關研究、事件發生當時的報紙新聞輔助佐證,並予以分析,旨在展現林文義關懷現實的憂患意識,確認林文義在四十年創作中,現實關懷的廣度與深度。本文的探討方式是由「群眾」、「社會」、「歷史與政治」,由小範圍到大範圍,透過層層擴展與放大,對各個面向進行探討。 因為關心群眾的生活,林文義細緻描繪了台灣中下階層人民的辛勤工作情形,他也擔憂台灣孩子的生活環境,憂心於貧弱困苦者的生活困境;因為時時注意社會的脈動,所以他察覺社會文化愈顯浮華,追求經濟發展的同時,也喪失了固有的文化,破壞了賴以生存的自然環境;因為對台灣整體處境的憂慮,所以他撰述台灣史,表露對台灣追本溯源的重視,並在創作中屢次吶喊著,在這惡質的年代,必須挺身出來維護真理,這才是民主的真正精神,對於不公不義,林文義時而高聲吶喊,時而以冷靜的筆調敘述與記錄。 林文義身為文壇的常青樹,經由他的散文創作,說明了作家的工作不只是紙上爬格子,文學也不會局限於小眾,因為作家的社會關懷是可以延伸、擴展到社會各個角落。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to explore the idea of Life Care from the prose written by Mr. Lin, Wen-yi. The researcher places its scope on Lin’s revealed works and begins an investigation on Lin’s entire prose. The implications of Life Care are throughout Lin’s works. Thus, the research is categorized by themes of care. The corroborative evidence is seized and analyzed from related sociology studies, newspaper news which recorded affiliated instances back then. The aim of this work has two folds: one is to unroll Mr. Lin’s consciousness in terms of concerning life tribulation. Another one is to affirm the extend and depth of Life Care during his forty-year career. The approach applied in this research is from the masses, society, to history and politics. That is expanding from a small scope to a large one. In order to explore each individual aspect of his works, the researcher penetrates and stretches each single layer of the works. On account of concerning the masses’ lives, Mr. Lin meticulously portrays difficult working condition and situation of the middle and lower class in Taiwanese society. He was also anxious about Taiwanese children’s living condition and the hardship of the poor and weak. For constantly paying attention to the transferring of the society, he also perceived that the culture of the society has increasingly tended towards pompous. The traditional culture is to be deprived while the society is pursuing economic development. The natural environment which people rely on for living has been destroyed. He was apprehensive the overall development of Taiwan, thus he composed a Taiwanese history book to express the importance of the root and source of Taiwan. Mr. Lin sometimes loudly voiced and sometimes calmly described and recorded the injustice events. He was exclaiming that in this evil era, Taiwanese people are necessary to come out for safeguarding the truth. This would be the true spirit of democracy. Following Mr. Lin’s exemplary performance, the life of Mr. Lin, as an distinguished writer in the literary world, indicates: a writer’s work is not only on compositing articles , and literature is also not limited in a niche group. As a writer, it is very possible to extend concerns to every single aspects of the society. en_US
DC.subjectCare for Politicsen_US
DC.subjectLin Wen-yien_US
DC.subjectLife careen_US
DC.titleA Research Based on Mr. Lin Wen-yi's Prose: the Aspect of Life Careen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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