博碩士論文 961305006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCing-Hua Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract惡劣的農業環境,使清領時期以前的東港地區,只有平埔族群和少數追捕烏魚的大陸沿海漁民在此進行漁獵活動。荷蘭人雖曾於東港平埔聚落推行教化工作,但終因疫病橫行而受阻。明鄭時期更將東港作為流放罪犯之地。清康熙年間,閩籍墾戶在今高屏溪東岸的新園鄉鹽埔村建立舊東港聚落。由於兼具優越地理位置和豐富漁業資源,東港逐漸發展成與大陸往來頻繁的貿易商港,並吸引許多移民前來定居並從事漁撈活動。同治年間的水患,迫使居民遷移至今日新東港地區。日本治理臺灣以後,港口貿易機能逐漸消逝,殖民政府銳意發展的漁業興起,東港港口逐漸轉型為地方性漁港。 戰後初期,東港尚未從轟炸破壞中恢復,漁民生活清苦。此時,政府為振興漁業所施行的一連串漁業增產計畫和港口修建工程,以及漁民的辛勤開發,促使東港沿近海漁業恢復成長。1970年代以後,東港延繩釣漁業成為發展主力,近海和養殖漁業也達於發展巔峰。至1990年代,過漁所造成的漁業資源枯竭逐漸顯現,為突破困境,東港漁民開始往遠洋開拓漁場;屏東縣政府和東港區漁會也致力於推動傳統漁業的轉型和多元化發展,朝向專業化和產銷一體的經營方向努力。東港櫻花蝦產銷班的創立,以及黑鮪魚文化觀光季與大鵬灣國家風景區的相互結合,都是東港漁業永續經營和觀光休閒漁業發展的成功範例。 天災和人禍的不斷肆虐,使早期東港先民只能尋求溫王爺的庇祐和心靈上的慰藉,東隆宮因此成為東港民間信仰的中心。隨著社會環境的變遷,王爺信仰除了提供安定人心和社會支持力量之外,亦投入參與地方的社會和教育事務,影響層面更為深遠。現今東港漁民正面臨了漁業資源枯竭、與他國專屬經濟海域重疊、國際漁業組織限捕與限量 、漁業資金和人力缺乏、油價不斷飆升與海上喋血事件頻傳等眾多難題,漁業發展陷入瓶頸。因此,除了政府陸續施行的漁業輔導和解決措施要切合實際需要外,漁民們的密切配合和自我約束,亦是東港漁業能否突破困境,再造發展榮景的重要關鍵。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the adverse natural environment which wasn’t suitable for living, only the Pingpu (平埔)tribesmen and some mullet-catching fishermen along the Chinese coastline subsisted by fishing and hunting in Tungkang before the Qing Dynasty. Despite the Dutch people’s efforts to civilize the Pingpu tribes in Tungkang, it was eventually impeded by spreading diseases. During Koxinga’s reign, Tungkang was used as a place of exile. During Kangxi’s reign, the Southern Min settlers established the early Tungkang settlements in YenpuVillage, Xinyuan Township to the east of Gaoping River. Because of its advantageous geographical position and abundant fishing resource, Tungkang developed into a commercial harbor with frequent business activities with the Chinese mainland. A large number of immigrants thus settled here and subsisted by fishing. The floods during Tongzhi’s reign forced them to move to the present Tungkang area. During the Japanese colonial period, the fishing industry was intentionally advocated by the colonial government, which made Tungkang a local fishing harbor while losing its commercial function. Before Tungkang had recovered from the destruction of bombardments during the early years after World War Two, the fishermen were living in hardship. At that time, the fish production increase plan and the harbor reconstruction promoted by the National Government along with the fishermen’s endeavor revived the inshore fishing in Tungkang. After the 1970’s, longlining became the most popular fishing method, and inshore fishing and aquaculture were in full swing. By the 1990’s, overfishing had dramatically decreased the fishing resource. In order to solve the problem, fishermen in Tungkang began to engage in offshore fishing. The Pingtung County Government and the Tungkang Fishermen’s Association were dedicated to the transformation of traditional fishing industry in an attempt to achieve professionalization and production-marketing integration. The establishment of Tungkang Sergestid Shrimp Production and Marketing Group, and Tungkang Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival held in Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area were both successful examples of the sustainable management and tourism development of Tungkang’s fishing industry. The continual ravages of natural and man-made disasters caused the early Tungkang settlers to turn to Wen Wangyeh for protection and comfort, which made Donglong Temple the religious center for Tungkang people. As the society changed, the worship of Wen Wangyeh not only soothed souls and maintained the society, but also had a greater influence on local public and educational affairs. Today fishermen in Tungkang are encountering the following obstructions: the exhaustion of fishing resource, overlapping of the exclusive economic zone, limitation imposed by international fishing organizations, lack of capital and manpower, soaring oil price, and bloody incidents at sea. The fishing industry has accordingly reached a dead end. Therefore, the government’s solutions must meet practical needs. In addition, the fishermen’s cooperation and self-control are also keys to bringing Tungkang’s fishing industry back to prosperity. en_US
DC.subjectfishermen’s associationen_US
DC.subjectfishing industryen_US
DC.subjectbluefin tunaen_US
DC.titleThe Development of Tungkang’s Fishing Industry, 1948-2008en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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