博碩士論文 962406021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHuaming-Ming Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract低能量光治療是利用雷射光源或發光二極體光源應用在醫學領域,用以治療疾病或改變細胞的生理機能。掉髮雖然不是嚴重的疾病,但足以影響外觀。2007年美國FDA證實使用波長660 nm的雷射梳可以治療男性禿。由於發光二極體(LED)具有成本低,低能量的優點,因此我們想要比較發光二極體光源與雷射光源在毛髮生長的治療效果。 我們設計一個可以比較不同光源的低能量光治療平台,這個平台的光源,可以有發光二極體,也有雷射光源,經過漫散器(diffuser),在均勻化的設計下,使輸出的能量均勻化,並且測試的結果,均勻化效果達到90%以上。藉由這個平台的應用,可以用來比較發光二極體光源與雷射光源在毛髮生長治療效果的比較分析。我們也比較不照光、白光LED(530 nm)、紅光LED(660 nm)、近紅外線LED(808 nm)、雷射紅光光源(660 nm)、雷射近紅外線光源(808 nm)在低能量光治療小鼠毛髮生長的效果分析。 我們進行了三次的小鼠實驗,小鼠品項是C57BL/6JNarl,俗稱B6小鼠。實驗結果,得到不論是發光二極體光源或是雷射組光源,在紅光波長660 nm的治療下,對於毛髮的生長,兩者均有效果且效果相近。而在皮膚組織切片螢光染色的觀察結果,也是發現在發光二極體及雷射光源兩者均是紅光波長660 nm有出現CD34及Ki67螢光染光的結果,顯示,在這個波長的治療效果,確實有促進毛囊從休止期進入生長期的效果。 在安全性上,低能量光治療,在本實驗對於溫度並無增加,表示不會造成皮膚灼傷,換言之對於溫度的增加,其安全性是可以被接受的。 這一個平台,未來也可以提供低能量光治療在其它醫學領域的研究,可以使用不同波長,在相同能量下,雷射光源與發光二極體光源治療效果的比較。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLow level light therapy (LLLT) is using the LASER or LED light source to apply in medical fields, which can treat disease or change the cell physical function. Although the hair loss is not a severely disease, it affects the outlook of people. In 2007, a laser comb design (wavelength 660nm) was approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss in males with androgenetic alopecia. The LED has the advantage of cheap and low power, therefore, we want to compare the therapeutic effect between the LED and LASER light source. We designed a LLLT therapeutic platform which can compare treatment effect between different light sources. The light source of platform can be from LED and LASER light. After diffuser design, the output power can be uniformed and reach to more than 90% uniformity. By the design platform, we can compare the hair growth effect of mice between the LED and LASER light source. We can also compare the hair growth effect of LLLT in different wavelength, such as control (no light application), white LED (530 nm), red LED (660 nm), infra-red LED (808 nm), red LASER (660 nm) and infra-red LASER (808 nm). We underwent three LLLT experiments of mice hair growth. All the mice was the inbred strain of C57BL/6JNarl(also called B6 mice). As the result, there were similar effect of mice hair growth between the LED (wavelength 660 nm) and LASER light (wavelength 660 nm). In the observation of skin tissues biopsy on fluorescence microscopy, there were similar postive findings of CD34 and Ki67 in LLLT with the wavelength 660 nm(ether from LED or LASER light source). This means that LLLT in wavelength 660nm could promote the hair follicle from telogen phase into anagen phase. As for safty, the temperature was not increased in our experiment during LLLT and could not make burn injury of skin. In other words, the safty was accetable for the increase of temperature. From this design platform, we can apply this LLLT design on other medical field research. We can compare the therapeutic effect between the LASER and LED light source in different wavelength with the same output power.en_US
DC.subjectlow level light therapyen_US
DC.subjecthair growthen_US
DC.titleThe effects of low level light therapy between LASER and LED on hair growth of miceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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