博碩士論文 963302026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJing-sin Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract西元1999年九二一集集大地震搶救期間,國外多數搶救團體紛紛抵達台灣各地災區,協助我國政府與民眾搶救受困之災民,這些國外救援隊伍在災區所發揮之人道關懷精神及其展現之精湛技術與先進設備,莫不給災害民眾燃起許多希望,也為疲憊不堪之國內公私部門搜救隊伍鼓舞不少士氣。加且近年來全球各地陸續出現極端異常的天候,各地皆因天災而造成無法彌補的生命、財產損失,甚至造成社會的不安與動盪,未來如莫拉克颱風極端降雨造成巨型災害將成為「常態」,災害規模恐已非一國之力得以因應。我們必須體認到,透過國外團隊協助救災,將有助於使天災所造成的損害減輕,並進一步縮短復原的時程。因此,積極投入國際救難舞台回饋國際社會,善盡地球村一份子的責任,已是不可避免的重要趨勢。 近年來,我國搜救隊配合國家整體外交政策,積極參與國際人道救援任務,大抵能達成受災國政府及聯合國人道事務協調組織所交付之任務。然綜觀各國馳援他國協助當地政府搶救受困災民及我國派遣國內搜救團體至國外協助救災的過程中,發現國外搜救團體有諸多作業流程與步驟值得我國學習,亦顯露出一些缺點有待改進。另外,回顧九二一大地震及八八風災,我們必須體認到,對於國外之搜救團隊或接受援助之地方政府對重大災害搶救之進行均需事先妥為規劃,俾能使救援工作得以及早順利展開,除有助於使天災所造成的損害減輕,並爭取分秒必爭之「生命存活視窗」72小時救援黃金時間,避免救援資源之重覆使用與浪費,進一步縮短復原的時程。 本研究目的在於蒐集國際搜索及搜救應變準則相關資料,並就以往重大災害案例檢討我國接受救援及執行國外重大災害支援救災之成效,期能對我國支援與接受國外救援機制建立提出具體建議與改進方案。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDuring the disaster relief period of chi-chi earthquake in 1999, several of international rescue teams arrived at many disaster areas all around Taiwan to assist Taiwanese government and stranded victims. Those rescue teams brought humanitarian caring into full play and utilized excellent technology, which must not only bring the victims a lot of hopes, but also encourage exhausted national rescue teams. In addition, the global climate has constantly become extremely abnormal in the past few years. Therefore, irreparable lost of lives and property, and social instability occur because of disasters. If the level of calamity which is as massive as the radical rainfall caused by Typhoon Morakot becomes regular patterns, it will be too severe for any country to deal with alone. We must realize that to relieve disasters through the assistance of international rescue teams is really helpful to ease the damage of natural calamities and also get to shorten the recovery schedule. Thus, participating in the international disaster relief to commit to the international society and take the responsibility as a part of the global village has been an inevitable trend. Nowadays, the SAR teams in Taiwan attend humanitarian aid projects actively in accordance with the diplomatic policies. The tasks demanded by effected countries and the International SAR organization were mostly completed. However, during the relieving process, not only many operating standards of international SAR teams are worthy to learn, but also appeared some defects to be improved. In addition, in retracing the chi-chi earthquake and the typhoon, the international SAR teams or the local government in affected areas must realize that the earlier the rescue plan has been completed, the earlier the work can be processed, which can decrease the damage of natural disasters, effectively utilize the golden SAR time, 72 hours, avoid the waste of rescue gears, and get to shorten the recovery schedule. The purpose of this study is to collect related information in the international searching and rescuing standards, to review the performances of previous supporting and executing international disaster relieving cases, and also to bring up critical advices and improvement schemes in systems of both providing support to other countries and receiving assistances from other countries. en_US
DC.subjectInternational Rescueen_US
DC.subjectInternational Search &en_US
DC.subject Rescue Advisory Group (INen_US
DC.subjectInternational SAR Team Response Guidelinesen_US
DC.titleStudy of the system of providing and receiving international disaster relief in Taiwan.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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