博碩士論文 963306022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYe-Jyun Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究之目的,主要在探討如何有效再利用印刷電路板業含銅廢水在經前置再利用後剩餘之廢酸液及廢鹼液。本研究成果利用瓶杯試驗(JAR TEST)及文獻資料彙整來呈現。過程是以蝕刻廢液在完成主要回收程序後,剩餘的「廢酸」及「廢鹼」當成研究標的,但由於剩餘的廢酸液及廢鹼液中殘存較多的雜質,常發現有均質度不夠的問題,造成水質試驗結果偏差較大。但其膠羽形成的好壞卻也不難發現,幾乎是與COD(mg/L)值成正比,雖然再利用的廢鹼液中仍含有一定量的氧化銅,其銅離子的存在對於膠羽的形成上不會有破壞的效果,反倒可以得到較好的膠羽相,但卻可能因此增加「污泥量」,產生費用平移的問題。 雖然有效利用蝕刻廢液在完成主要回收程序後,剩餘的「廢酸」及「廢鹼」,當成調整pH值的酸劑及鹼劑,相對節約了「硫酸」或「液鹼」的用量,但除了「污泥」變重的問題外,放流水COD偏高的問題也是再利用廢液須另外面對的話題。由於廢鹼的再利用,通常都要讓原水的pH值調整至9以上才會有較好的水質結果,經研究其COD值通常會比單純使用「硫酸」或「液鹼」的放流水約高出300 mg/L左右。 在較大廢水排放量的工廠,較不必擔心「COD值徧高」或「污泥量變重」的問題發生,反而較注重「硫酸」及「液鹼」使用量明顯減少的經濟效益,而在非產出含銅廢液的工廠而言,使用再利用後的蝕刻廢液或微蝕刻廢液當成pH值調整的酸鹼劑來源,須特別監測其放流水的水質項目,預防當大量使用此類廢酸鹼時,系統須另外針對製程性質以外的(放流水)項目特別處理或追蹤,因為此類廢酸鹼中仍常含有壹至貳仟 mg/L的銅離子。故運用這股廢酸鹼時均須考量其最大使用量,避免最後的放流水超過放流水標準。 關鍵詞:印刷電路板、化學混凝、廢酸液、廢鹼液、蝕刻廢液、微蝕刻廢液。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this thesis is to discuss how to use the surplus alkali and acid waste liquid from preprocedure of copper wastewater output by printed circuit board(PCB).The result of the thesis obtained by the JAR TEST is referenced. There is a lot of impurities in the surplus acid waste liquid and the reported and discoved with alkali waste liquid, due to which, the unwell-mixed mixture easily leads to a deviation of JAR TEST result. The efficiency of the floc has direct proportion with the COD(mg/L). Although some amount of CuO exists in the recycled waste alkali, Cu2+ doesn’t destroy the efficiency of the floc. The surplus waste alkali liquid and the waste acid liquid from the main recycling procedure of etching wastewater can be used for adjust pH and save the amount of H2SO4 or NaOH. However the large quantity of the sludge is a problem. Another problem of the recycling of wastewater is the increase of the effluent COD(mg/L). Upon, recycling the waste alkali liquid, the raw water must have a pH of above 9.0 to get better water. The factories that generate a large amount of wastewater do not worry about the problem of the higher number of COD and sludge. On the other hand they really care about the financial effect of less using H2SO4 and NaOH. The factories without emitting the Cu2+ wastewater must observe the quality of the effluent because they use the waste acid liquid and the waste alkali liquid from the recycling procedure to blend the wastewater pH value. Preventing the system will observe the effluent which is not from production procedure. Because the waste acid liquid and the waste alkali liquid always has 1,000 mg/L to 2,000 mg/L Cu2+. As a result, during the prebention, the maximum use of the waste acid liquid and the waste alkali liquid must be considered. Keyword :printed circuit board, chemical coagulation, the waste acid liquid , the waste alkali liquid, etching wastewater, micro etching wastewater en_US
DC.subjectmicro etching wastewateren_US
DC.subjectetching wastewateren_US
DC.subjectthe waste alkali liquiden_US
DC.subjectthe waste acid liquiden_US
DC.subjectchemical coagulationen_US
DC.subjectprinted circuit boarden_US
DC.titleReuse of micro etching wastewater and surplus wastewater from etching wastewater after the preprocedure of copper.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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