博碩士論文 964208018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-yin Chienen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年經營模擬相關教育課程的興起,造就管理課程內容更為豐富與多樣化,但傳統經營模擬系統的功能著重於管理規畫的訓練,學員執行力的提升並未受到重視。經營決策的規劃與執行是否有效決定一個企業的經營成效。本研究的目的有二:第一,本研究試圖設計一個結合情境式學習、數位遊戲式學習與執行力相關理論的管理模擬系統,稱之為「管理模擬系統」。第二,本管理模擬系統的主要功效在於提升學習者的決策執行力。 本管理模擬系統的設計理念在於融合執行力系統與平衡計分卡之概念。執行力系統整合人員、策略與營運等三大企業核心流程,並以平衡計分卡的創新學習、內部流程、顧客、以及財務四個構面作為企業各部門之決策架構。本研究提出系統的規格,系統的程式則由中央大學資管系林熙禎教授指導之專題小組負責撰寫,並試用於國立中央大學管理學院鄭漢鐔教授所開的四門管理相關課程中。每一門課程的試用時間為六周,實驗對象為修習此教育課程之學員,並實驗過程中收集量化及質化研究資料。其中量化資料包括企業管理學習評量表、及學習成效評量;質化資料包括研究者觀察記錄、教學訪談、學習過程檔案等。最後進行資料分析驗證系統之學習成效。本研究之量化資料與質化資料分析之結果發現,本管理模擬系統在提升學員執行力有關的管理技能、知識、以及態度有正面的幫助。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, management simulation programs are getting popular in business schools, which create a rich and abundance content of academic curriculum. However, the traditional management simulation programs focus on strategic planning technique; they lack the interactive decision executions on the part of the trainees. Effective business operations, however, depend on both decision planning and execution. The purpose of this study is twofold: First, it tries to design a new learning model, which combines the real world situation, digital Game-Based learning, and contemporary management theory to develop a digital learning system –Management Simulation System (the System). Second, the objective of the System intends to increase the capability of decision execution of the trainees. This study integrates the theories of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Decision Execution into the design of the System. According to BSC, the decisions are grouped into four aspects, that is, Innovation and learning, internal processes, customers, and financial perspectives. The System also integrates the three main processes of personnel, strategy and operation. The coding the System was carried out by the senior students of the Department of Information Management during a two-semester course of special topics at the School of Management, National Central University. In order to test the effectiveness of the System, four six-week pilot tests were conducted in four management-related courses at the same University. Quantitative and qualitative data concerning students’’ learning from using the System were collected and analyzed. The results of the analysis reveal that the Management Simulation System may contribute to students’ learning in terms of the skills, knowledge, and attitude of management which are the basis of decision execution. en_US
DC.subjectBalanced Scorecarden_US
DC.subjectManagement simulationen_US
DC.subjectDecision Executionen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Design of Management Simulation System and Decision Executionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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