博碩士論文 964403009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChueh-An Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在現今競爭的商業環境中,公司已漸依賴跨組織資訊系統來與交易伙伴建立緊密整合。因此,本研究旨在了解,公司在相互依賴及權力不對等情況下,如何促進跨組織資訊系統整合,同時探索整合後所帶來的影響。具體而言,本論文包括以下三個研究:第一,資訊系統整合常面臨許多阻礙,例如敵對行為及衝突,兩相依賴的公司該如何有效解決這些衝突是一重要課題。本研究運用妥協概念,發展跨公司流程妥協及技術妥協,並以資源相依理論和交易成本理論為基礎,論述此兩種妥協是完成跨組織資訊系統整合的關鍵前置因素,相互依賴的關係則會影響妥協的達成。實徵研究結果顯示,跨公司流程妥協及技術妥協對跨組織資訊系統整合有正面影響,妥協也是相互依賴關係和資訊系統整合之間的關鍵中介變數。 第二,在供應鏈中,由於資源分配不均,握有豐富資源的公司常具有較高的權力去影響其他公司,他們因此常要求不具權力的公司導入資訊系統整合,然而過去研究對於權力的效果並無一致結論。若不了解權力如何運作,很可能阻礙公司運用權力去實現跨組織資訊系統整合。因此,本研究以權力迴圈架構及必要通行點概念,發展三個重要因素,包括競爭必要性、期望利益,以及公司準備度,這三者是權力及跨組織資訊系統整合的關鍵中介變數。實徵研究結果顯示,執行權力與潛在權力可以透過影響這三個主要因素,來促進跨組織資訊系統整合。 第三,供應鏈靈活度已是公司與其供應鏈伙伴獲得競爭優勢及利潤的關鍵能力,跨組織資訊系統整合是否能促進供應鏈靈活度是一關鍵課題。因此,本研究以動態能力觀點、選擇權理論,以及關係觀點,深入了解跨組織資訊系統整合、長期導向、供應鏈彈性,以及跨組織資訊系統支援的分析能力,對於供應鏈靈活度的促成效果。實徵研究結果顯示,跨組織資訊系統整合和長期導向能促進供應鏈彈性,包括供給彈性和關係彈性,此兩種彈性隨後能幫助供應鏈靈活度,而分析能力則能強化供應鏈彈性對於供應鏈靈活度的正面效果。 整體而言,本論文對於學術界及實務界之貢獻在於發展提出妥協概念,以及運用權力迴圈及必要通行點概念以了解權力流動,讓學術界及實務界更加了解公司在不同的相依結構下,如何有效地促進跨組織資訊系統整合。本論文亦提出導入跨組織資訊系統整合之具體效益-供應鏈靈活度。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, firms have increasingly relied on inter-organizational systems (IOS) to facilitate tighter integration with trading partners. This dissertation aims to understand the antecedents and consequences of IOS integration under the conditions of interdependence and power imbalance between dyadic firms. Three studies are conducted for this objective. The first study analyzes the various impediments, such as adversarial behaviours and conflicts when two interdependent firms attempt to integrate with each other through IOS. This study applies the concept of compromise to develop two constructs critical for IOS integration, inter-firm process compromise and technology compromise. These two compromise constructs, treated as relational investments, are proposed to affect the attainment of higher IOS integration. We also assess the importance of interdependence between firms in shaping the negotiation environment. Based on 147 matched-pair data collected from the top 2000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms, the findings demonstrate the importance of technology compromise and inter-firm process compromise for implementing IOS integration. The results also suggest that these compromises are key mediators between interdependence and IOS integration. This study provides theoretical and practical implications that contribute to our understanding of the role of compromise in facilitating IOS integration and the interdependence structure in shaping compromise. The second study analyzes the condition of power imbalance in which dominant firms often try to exert their power to influence their dependent firms to implement IOS integration. Misunderstanding about how power operates will impede firms for developing IOS integration. Based on the circuits of power framework and the concept of obligatory passage point (OPP), this study identifies three factors that should mediate the effect of power on the implementation of IOS integration, including competitive necessity, expected benefits, and firm readiness. We accordingly develop a theoretical model with nine hypotheses. Based on a sample of 135 manufacturing firms tested with PLS, seven out of the nine hypotheses receive empirical support. The findings show that the flows of exercised power and potential power into IOS integration indeed circulate through those mediators. The theoretical and practical implications of the results contribute to our understanding of how power operates in developing IOS integration. Supply chain agility (SCA) is vital to the performance of firms and their supply chain partners in today’s turbulent and highly competitive environment. The third study attempts to better understand the roles of IOS integration, long-term orientation, supply chain flexibility, and analytical ability supported by IOS in enabling SCA based on the dynamic capabilities view, real options theory, and the relational view. With 147 matched-pair samples gathered from the top 2000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms, the results support the effects of IOS integration and long-term orientation on supply chain flexibility, including offering and partnering relationship flexibilities, which in turn facilitates SCA. We also demonstrate that the analytical ability supported by IOS indeed moderates the effect of SCF on SCA. Overall, this dissertation contributes to the research fields of IOS implementation by showing the antecedents and consequences of IOS integration. We provide the guides for firms under interdependence and power imbalance to attain IOS integration, and to drive SCA. The theoretical and practical implications advance our understanding of IOS integration implementation. en_US
DC.subjectInter-organizational system integrationen_US
DC.subjectSupply chain agilityen_US
DC.subjectBusiness analyticsen_US
DC.titleAn Empirical Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of Inter-organizational Systems Integrationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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