博碩士論文 967201011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Hsuan Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在以往漢番關係的論述裡,熟番與漢人接觸以後,熟番向來被認為「漢化」於漢人社會而消失。其實不然。以竹塹地區的竹塹社來說,乾隆年間設立的「采田福地」,一直以來透過每年儀式祭典的舉行,來維繫竹塹社自身的族群認同。日治時期,竹塹社成立祭祀公業組織,從中所衍生出來的派下員,使得竹塹社後裔的認定有了依據。竹塹社與漢人的接觸,並沒有因為「漢化」而消失,而是以「客家化」的形式,生活在這個社會。 在個案的選擇上,本研究之所以以竹塹社七姓裡面的錢皆只派下做為探討的對象,主要是由於錢皆只派下,自乾隆年間起,便長期擔任通事、土目與屯務要職;日治時期,還曾擔任竹塹社祭祀公業的管理人。這是竹塹社的歷史發展中,一個很重要的家族。另外,官方檔案與契約文書,均有許多關於錢皆只派下的史料,但學者對於這個家族的研究,卻並不多;仍有許多值得探討的地方。在族群分布方面,竹塹社所在的竹塹地區,自雍正年間起,清廷鼓勵漢人前來開墾以後,便有許多粵籍墾民來到這裡從事開墾工作。這些粵籍墾民除了向竹塹社請墾土地,同時也教導竹塹社學習漢人的耕種技術;在雙方各方面長期的接觸下,促使竹塹社逐漸走向「客家化」。不管是文化、風俗習慣、信仰、語言…等各方面,均與客家人無異。所以,由於竹塹地區為全臺最多客家人的地區,而且仍然能夠透過一些特殊的方式,找到竹塹社後裔;使得「熟番客家化」這樣的族群現象,也就因此在竹塹地區最為顯著。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBase on the theory of the past relationship of Han –Aborigine, When the contacted of the civilized aborigines and the Han Chinese. The common recognized that the culture disappeared of aborigines is because the sinicization process of Han Chinese society. Actually, it is not the true. For example, in the region of Zhu Qian have a Zhu Qian She. Here was established the Barbarian’s Fortune Land scheme in the time of Qian-Long dynasty. They have the traditional ceremony rituals every year to maintain to ethnic identity of Zhu Qian She. In the times of Japanese Colonial Period, The ancestral memorial property was established by Zhu Qian She. From the ancestral memorial property evolve the clan member and the offspring of Zhu Qian She have an accordingly confirmed method to their ancestral. The connected of Zhu Qian She and Han Chinese have not disappeared by the sincization process. Actually, they have used a hakkalization methods to live in the Taiwan society. The reason of select the Qian Jie Zhi clan of Zhu Qian She seven surnmames family to be the selected case of the studying objective, it is because, Qian Jie Zhi clan have the very important role, they are the interpreters, native chieftains and aborigine military colonies from Qian-Long dynasty. In the times of Japanese colonial period, they are the administrator of Zhu Qian She ancestral memorial property. They are also very important clan in the development of the Zhu Qian She. Moreover, the official archives and the land document have very large amount historical resources of the Qian Jie Zhi clan But the study of scholar in this clan is very seldom, actually the study of this clan have so many to do. The ethnic distribution of my study region (Zhu Qian region, Zhu Qian She), from the times of Yong Zheng dynasty, Qing government encourages the Han Chinese to perform the reclamation in this region. There have many Cantonese tenants go to the Zhu Qian region to reclamation. The Contonese tenants require the people of Zhu Qian region to provide the reclaim land to them. Meanwhile, they also taught the people of Zhu Qian region to learn the agricultural skills of Han Chinese. In the long period of contacting, catalyzing the Zhu Qian She gradually migrated to the hakkalization. Include the culture, custom, belief, language and so on…., they have not different from the hakka. Therefore, the Zhu Qian region is the most hakka people living area in Taiwan but we can use the special methods to find the offspring of Zhu Qian She. This is the reason why the civilized aborigines hakkalization is very obvious ethnic phenomenon in Zhu Qian region. en_US
DC.subjectCivilized Aborigines Hakkalizationen_US
DC.subjectZhu Qian Sheen_US
DC.subjectQian Jie Zhi Clanen_US
DC.subjectZhu Qian Regionen_US
DC.subjectCulture Changeen_US
DC.subjectIdentity Changeen_US
DC.titleStudy on the Civilized Aborigines Hakkalization: A Case study of the Zhu Qian She's Qian Jie Zhi Clanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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