博碩士論文 967202007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-chieh Chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract馬來西亞是個多元民族國家,當地使用語言除了馬來語、英語、華語外,依華人袓籍來源不同而使用不同的方言,包括褔建話、廣東話、客家話、潮州話及海南話等。本文以馬來西亞沙巴的龍川客家話為研究對象,在如此多方言接觸的區域,龍川話的語言現況如何,值得我們深入探討。 於2009年我們至馬來西亞沙巴州山打根進行田野調查研究,所得語料將具體呈現在論文中。臚列龍川客家話的語音系統、聲韻調組合、同音字表及基本詞彙後,本論文將透過歷時的比較研究探討龍川客家話中古音至今音之演變,再以共時的比較研究進行沙巴龍川話與廣東龍川話、大馬當地漢方言(廣府話、惠陽話)之音韻與詞彙比較,最後呈現研究成果。 首先,在沙巴龍川話與原鄉的音韻比較中我們發現,聲母部分有塞擦音聲母套數不一、日影以母讀舌葉音□的擦音化、溪曉匣母讀s-與舌葉擦音□、泥來母相混與否類型等現象;在韻母方面像撮口呼韻的有無、支脂有別、效咸攝元音高化、臻攝開口三等的圓唇與展圓等現象,以及少數字音讀反映出真、文、元韻在音韻史上有非常多的糾葛現象等;在聲調方面,比較特殊的有「濁去歸陰平」現象。 其次,在沙巴龍川話與馬來西亞當地漢語方言的詞彙比較中亦發現,龍川客家話明顯吸收了不少鄰近廣府話、馬來話、英語的讀音與語詞,如「車大炮(吹牛、聊天)」、「邏食佬(乞丐)」、「巴冷刀(柴刀)」、「han55 p□33 lek5(方向盤)」等,特別是部分詞彙還保留原鄉的名詞後綴「里」,如「倈里(兒子)、妹里(女兒)」。 最後,沙巴的龍川話從外部來看雖然和當地客家話趨近相同,但在其內部仍有差異性存在,如-i元音是否前化為舌尖元音□、曉匣母是否顎化、合口字是否讀開口音、流攝韻母-iu與-eu之別等,均可作為其判斷依據。 關鍵詞:客家話、馬來西亞、沙巴、龍川話、音韻、方言比較zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMalaysia is a nation with diversified peoples. In addition to Malaysian language, English and Chinese, there are also different local dialects derived from different native places of Chinese people, including Fujian, Guangdong, Zhaochou and Hainan dialects. The study adopted the Longchuan(龍川)Hakka language in Sabah(沙巴)Malaysia as research subject. In the area with so many dialects, we are interested in current conditions of Longchuan language. We proceeded field survey at Sandakan(山打根), Sabah State of Malaysia in 2009 and the results were physically shown in the essay. After listing the voice system, combination of sound, rhyme and accent, homophones and basic glossaries of Longchuang Hakka language, this essay studied the evolution of Longchuang Hakka language from ancient time to now through diachronic comparison, followed by the synchronic comparison of rhythm and glossaries among Sabah Longchuang, Guangdong Longchuang and local Chinese dialects (Guangfu(廣府話) and Hueiyang(惠陽話) languages) in Malaysia before showing the final results. First, we found different affricates in term of initial consonant, the Ri, Ying and Yi vowels with affricated pronunciation 舌葉音□, the Xi, Xiao and Xia vowels in pronunciation s-,舌葉擦音□, with or without mix of Ni, Lai. In term of simple or compound vowel, there are with or without y vowel, distinguish from zhi(支)and zhi(脂), high pitch of vowels Xiao, Xien She, the round lip and unrounded lip of Zhen She(臻攝)as well as pronunciations of few words showing a lot of entanglements among vowels Zhen(真), Wen, Yuan. In respect of tone of voice, the phenomenon “Chuo Shang tone with the yin-p’ing” is special.  Next, we also found from the comparison of glossaries between Sabah Longchuang language and local Chinese dialect, Longchuang Hakka language obviously absorb many reading and words of Guangfu, Malaysia and English in neighborhood, such as “Ca Tai Pao (bluff, chat)”, “Lo Sit Lao (beggar)”, “Ba Lang Dao (chopper)”, “Han55 B□33 Lek5(steeling wheel)” etc, especially some glossaries still reserve the suffix noun “Li(里)”, such as “Lai Li (son), Moi Li (daughter)”. Finally, from the external of Sabah Longchuang language, there is difference inside even though it is similar to local Hakka language. For example, if the vowel -i is pushed to the vowel 舌尖前元音□on the tip of the tongue, is the sound Xi, Xiao vowels coming from jaw, the word to be read in closed mouth is read in open mouth, the identification between vowel -iu and -eu of Liu She(流攝)are all the basis for judgment. Keywords: Hakka dialect, Longchuan language, Malaysia, Sabah, phonology, comparative dialectologyen_US
DC.subjectHakka Languageen_US
DC.subjectLongchuan Languageen_US
DC.subjectcomparative dialectologyen_US
DC.titleThe study of Longchuan Hakka Language in Sabah Malaysiaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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