博碩士論文 967203010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiao-Yun Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract客家電視台開播至今六年,歷經三次管理更迭,目前隸屬公廣集團,逐步走向非營利全民電視頻道。目前有多項節目內容被政府與民間媒體監督機構推薦為「優良節目」,然而客家電視台節目始終無法佔有固定比例的收視群眾,且難以吸納廣泛年齡層的固定觀眾。故本研究透過文獻分析及問卷調查的實證研究方法,以「節目內容品質傳遞」、「節目內容影響程度」、「電視台公共經營」三大構面作為實證調查的分析主軸。本研究對象以觀賞過客家電視台節目之觀眾為問卷發放對象,從問卷的分析整理中,瞭解民眾觀賞客家電視頻道之現況:包含觀看頻率、喜好類型、2008年印象最深刻之節目、客家電視台之訊息敏感度和主動觀看意願調查、以及心目中認為理想的優質客家節目應具備哪些元素與觀眾建議。 研究發現多數人肯定其節目品質,但是在創意和娛樂性不足,且忠實觀賞群眾仍以中老年人為主,而因為單一節目台的播出方式,導致客家節目不易於其他台曝光,逐漸失去接觸多元群眾的功能,產生族群間的隔離現象。本研究可作為客家電視節目製作參考,並且透過融合民眾期待與真實現況的表達,期能使客家電視台的節目日益精進,成為質量兼備的優良頻道。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHakka TV has launched six years, through three management changes, the Group is currently under the TBS(Taiwan Broadcasting System), and gradually move toward public non-profit TV channel. There are a number of programs by the government and private media monitoring bodies recommended as " high-quality program", but the Hakka TV programs has never been able to occupy a fixed proportion of the viewing masses, and it is difficult to absorb a wide range of fixed ages audience. The purpose of this study is through Literature Review and Questionnaire Probe empirical research methods to "the quality of program content delivery", "the impact of program content", "public television business management" the three dimensions as the main empirical analysis of the survey. The main issued target audience in the study have watched Hakka TV before, and collated from the questionnaire analysis, we can understand the Hakka people watch TV channels of the current situation: including views of frequency, preference types, the most impressive in 2008 with the program, Hakka TV’’s message sensitivity and willingness to take the initiative to watch the investigation, as well as the audience minds of the ideal high-quality Hakka programs need what elements should be proposed. The study found the majority of people certainly the quality of its programs, but lack of creativity and entertainment, and faithfully watch mainly middle-aged and elderly people still. Because of one single broadcast station approach, Hakka program is not easy in the other exposure. So it can’t contact with the masses of multi-functional gradually, resulting in segregation between ethnic groups. This study could serve as a reference to the Hakka TV programs. According the integration of audience look forward to Hakka TV achieves better and better, and become the both qualitative and quantitative excellent channels. en_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Broadcasting Systemen_US
DC.subjectHakka programsen_US
DC.subjecthigh-quality programsen_US
DC.subjectHakka TVen_US
DC.titleViewers Watch Hakka Television Programs On The Perception Of Empirical Researchen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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