博碩士論文 967305004 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorHsien-Yen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract桃園縣因人口特性形成「南客北閩」的族群群聚生活型態,歷任縣長均極為重視客家文化建設,俾能重建居民歷史文化記憶、凝聚集體情感及提昇族群文化交流之場域,並積極規劃興建代表客家意象、信仰的客家文化館。然而館舍營運的過程中,在組織定位未明及人力、經費與規模等資源不足的情形下,面臨治理困境,基於此治理概念,對於館舍營運決策模式、與社區互動的機制、社區的公民及社會團體參與營運、績效衡量及公私協力夥伴關係等議題,值得研究探討。 本研究從質的方面廣泛及深入的角度觀察桃園縣客家文化館與社區生活現象,接著進行深度訪談,訪談對象區分為公部門、社區組織、社團及產業等三種類型,以了解彼此之間治理網絡互動關係,並有效搜集及分析衍生社區治理問題影響因素。 客家文化館的經營管理性質,較屬於非營利推展文化性質,為求館舍的永續經營,即開始思考尋求何種最適合的經營管理模式,而在委外經營的不可行,而政府部門經營又必須耗費鉅額經費的情況下,因此,結合社區組織,建立公私協力夥伴關係,並透過社區組織的參與治理,形成與地方文化館共同治理的經營管理模式之可行性。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe population characteristics in Taoyuan County contribute to the specific life styles, “ Hakka ethnicity from the south and Hokkien ethnicity from the north". The development of Hakka culture has been attracted the magistrates to rebuild the residents’impression of their own history and culture. In addition, Hakka culture can bring local people together and improve communication between ethnical groups. Moreover, the local government is actively planning for constructing Hakka cultural museum which is on behalf of its Hakka image and faith. However, the shortage of resources for building this museum has conquered some difficulties, including unknown factors to build the organization, lack of manpower and fundings, etc. Based on the current situation, there are some points of view to discuss with, such as the decision-making model for the museum construction , the mechanism of community interaction, the participation of residents and some social organizations,the public-private partnership, and the evaluation of its efficiency. This research explores community governance phenomena between local people life styles and Hakka cultural museum from Taoyuan County by using qualitative research method. The study subjects include three types of organization such as government, community, and industries in order to inquire their interaction. Furthermore, the consequence from this study can be effectively collected and analyzed. The management of Hakka cultural museum is a non-profit organization. Therefore, it is critical to consider which management model is the best one for achieving sustainable development. As a result, the model of community governance is an available way to establish this public-private partnership. en_US
DC.subjectpublic-private partnershipen_US
DC.subjectHakka cultural museumen_US
DC.subjectcommunity governanceen_US
DC.titleThe Study of organization and governance in Hakka Cultural Museum from Taoyuan Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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