博碩士論文 967305023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-mei YANGen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract諺語是屬於民間文學的範疇,透過諺語的流傳可以保存庶民傳統的生活習性和處事風格,呈現出常民重要的文化資財。藉由口傳而後訴諸文字的諺語是一個民族文化的精髓,反映出社會的風土民情和思想信仰的實踐經驗,同時也傳遞著先民的歷史足跡和草根性的情感。本研究以台灣客家族群所流傳的鬼神諺語作為探討的內容,是想瞭解諺語在客家族群內部於道德文化方面的影響,也想探討鬼神信仰藉由時間和經驗的累積,如何開啓先民的生活智慧以及在活動歷程中傳遞的文化意涵,經由傳承給予後世借鑑。 本研究共分為五章論述:第一章是緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍和研究方法,以及相關文獻之回顧與探討。諺語是民眾群體智慧的結晶,內容蘊含著民眾與周遭環境在互動中淬煉出來的親身體驗,以及日常生活實踐中所領悟的人生哲理。第二章是從鬼神信仰談客家諺語,探討民間信仰和客家諺語兩者產生鏈結後,民眾透過鬼神信仰及奉祀儀式寄託身心靈,藉由鬼神諺語的轉化,導引出尊天敬祖的宗教情懷和人文精神,也達到警示社會和教化人心的目的。第三章探討台灣客家諺語中鬼魂崇拜的文化意涵。由於亡靈崇拜是台灣民間信仰的主流,而祖先崇拜是亡靈崇拜中最重要的一環,基於崇祖是孝道的延續,經由客家族群增強宗族內部的凝聚力,也成為實現孝道的文化指標。第四章探討台灣客家諺語中神明信仰的文化意涵。客家族群把天公視為正義之神的化身,維持人世間的公理和正義,經由民間信仰體認諺語,達到凝聚敬天崇祖、慎終追遠的道德情操。第五章總結出客家鬼神諺語影響人們的處世哲學和人生態度,也間接媒介古今文化的接軌和促使多元文化的融合。由於受到因果輪迴觀念的影響,大部份的人認為會有因果報應而謹言慎行不敢作惡,藉由鬼神諺語彰顯出悲天憫人、淨化人心以及維持社會詳和的目的。本研究從客家鬼神諺語伸出觸角,經由整理、歸納與分析其在文化面和宗教面的實質意涵,希望能夠發掘諺語中的鬼神文化在學術上或者在教學上一點小小的啓發。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractProverbs are part of folk literature. Through the spread of proverbs, we can preserve the plebeian traditional living habits and style of doing things, and reveal the important cultural capital of common people. Through words of mouth and written words, proverbs are the essence of a people’’s culture, reflect the culture of a society and practical experience of thought and religion, and also convey the historical footprints of our ancestors and grass-root nature of emotions. This research studies on the proverbs about ghosts and gods spreading in Taiwan Hakka ethnic community, tries to understand its influence on morality and culture dimension of Taiwan Hakka ethnic community. And I also want to discuss how did the belief on ghosts and gods, that are accumulated through the long time and experiences, enlighten the living wisdom of ancients and cultural meaning on people’s activity, and to be delivered to the descendants. This research is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is introduction, which explicates motives, purpose, approaches of this study, as well as review of relevant literatures. Proverbs that are the essence of people’s wisdom, reflect people’s living experiences interacted with their living environment and life philosophy comprehended through their daily experience. Chapter two discusses the origin of culture of ghosts and gods, belief in gods in Taiwan’’s folk religions in Hakka society, and culture of ghosts and gods in the Hakka proverbs. Then I discuss the linkage between the folk religions and the Hakkas proverbs and how do the linkage show humanism of respecting heaven and achieve the goals of enlightenment. Chapter three discusses the cultural meaning of ghost worship in Taiwan Hakka proverbs. The worship of the souls of the dead is the mainstream of folk beliefs in Taiwan, and ancestor worship is one important part of the worship of the souls of the dead. Since it is an extension of filial piety, by way of the internal cohesion of the Hakka community, ancestor worship is a cultural indicator of realization of filial piety. Chapter four discusses the cultural meaning of belief in gods of Taiwan Hakkas proverbs. Hakka Ethnicity treats the Emperor of Heaven as the incarnation of the god of justice, who maintains the right and justice in the living world. By way of realizing the meaning of proverbs through the folk beliefs, we can cohere the moral sentiment of respecting ancestors, worshiping gods and reverence for ancestors. Chapter five concludes how do the Hakka proverbs about ghosts and gods influence the people’’s philosophy of life and attitude towards life, indirectly, encourage convergence of ancient and modern culture, and promote the integration of diverse culture. Influenced by the concept of transmigration, most people believe there will be retributive justice for something seriously wrong, so they speak and behave carefully, dare not to do the evil things. By way of revealing the compassionate sentiments, the Hakka proverbs about ghosts and gods fufill the purpose to purify people’’s spirit as well as to maintain social stability and peace. Focusing on the Hakka proverbs about ghosts and gods, this study summarize, generalize and analyze their real meaning on cultural and religious dimension. I hope that this study can contribute on academic area and education. en_US
DC.subjectfolk beliefen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Hakka proverben_US
DC.titleCultural Analysis of Taiwan Hakka proverbs about ghosts and godsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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