博碩士論文 971201013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-chao Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract戲曲的演出與流傳受到時代背景、文化、政治所影響。本文以《琵琶記》為研究對象,試圖從明代的制度、戲曲批評、出版文化建構出《琵琶記》流傳的文化場域。 明代社會制度對於《琵琶記》流傳幫助可以從實質規範與無形影響來看。《琵琶記》內容隱含的孝親、忠君思想和統治者的施政理念不謀而合,君王的推崇,使其從小道末流登堂入室成為傳統思想發揚與傳播的典範。明代社會中科舉制度盛行、鄉約對社會的教化作用、女性教化對於《琵琶記》的流傳鋪設了適合流傳的背景。《琵琶記》身為傳奇之祖的位置,在語言與音律方面擔負了南戲過渡到傳奇的橋樑,在戲曲體制轉化之際,文人與曲論家從本事、曲律宮調、劇的結構來評論此劇。明代中葉興起的出版文化,通俗文學出版興盛,出版策略、戲曲流傳、聲腔嬗變互相影響,版式多樣化對《琵琶記》流傳有推波助瀾的效果。 綜觀明代《琵琶記》的流傳可以發現在時間推移上不同因素影響的多寡。前期明代政治力量對於《琵琶記》的影響最為矚目,戲曲批評受其影響,風教觀的評論為主流,是戲曲從小道末流進入正統文學的手段之ㄧ。明代中期後政治社會相對較前期穩定,商業發達、市民階層興起,通俗文學出版興盛,主要以出版文化的影響為大。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe performance and spreading of dramas are influenced by their historical background, culture, and politics. This paper, taking Pipaji as subject, attempts to construct its cultural field of its spreading from the following aspects: the social system in Ming Dynasty and the drama criticism and publishing culture. The social system in Ming Dynasty helped the spreading of Pipaji, which could be inferred from substantive norms and invisible influence. Filial respect for parents and loyalty to the emperor, as implied in Pipaji, coincided with the rulers’’ governance principles. Therefore, the drama was promoted by the emperor, changing it from nothing to an apotheosis for developing and spreading the traditional concepts. In Ming Dynasty the imperial examination system was prevalent in society, xiang yue worked well in social edification and female edification set appropriate background for its spreading. As the ancestor of chuanqi, it played as the bridge to help nanxi to transform to chuanqi by its language and rhythm. When the drama system was about to change, scholars and drama critics commented on this drama from its original story, rules of qu and gongdiao and its structure. In Mid-Ming Dynasty, the publishing culture was on the rise, publication of popular literature flourished, publishing strategies, spreading of dramas and tune evolution influenced each other. Diversified versions also helped the spreading of this drama. Reviewing the spreading of Pipaji in Ming Dynasty, it can be discovered that influences of different factors varied with time going along. In early Ming Dynasty, the political force had prominent influence over it. As a result, criticism about its chiao-hua were dominant, which was also one of the ways for dramas to go from nothing to the mainstream. After Mid-Ming Dynasty, the political state and the society were steadier than before, commerce blossomed, the middle class began to rise, and the publication of popular literature prospered. In this period, it was the influence of the publishing culture that was the most significant. en_US
DC.subjectpublishing cultureen_US
DC.subjectdrama transformationen_US
DC.subjectsocial system in Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.subjectdrama criticismen_US
DC.title”Pipaji”and the Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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