博碩士論文 971301003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-hsien Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 台灣文學中有關眷村的書寫有一個獨特之處,作家們在創作眷村文學的作品時,筆尖所流露出來的不僅僅是眷村生活的點點滴滴,同時也是對眷村這個母體的情感抒發,更是在書寫眷村人畢生的回憶和生命的歷程。 本研究從離散起筆,探究眷村人離散的宿命,接著探討眷村人第一代的鄉愁及第二代對這塊土地的認同;然後再梳理眷村的建築形態和居住空間、居民的生活圖像及休閒活動、以及駿村飲食與族群的文化融和。因為眷村第一代和第二代的成長背景、生活經歷和觀察視角多所不同,所以對鄉愁感悟、族群認知、家國認同和居住環境的感受也頗有差距,因而兩代之間在國家意識上產生矛盾、在鄉愁感知上出現歧異,這也為我們增添了許多可以討論的題材。 眷村雖然是一個生命共同體,眷村人雖然有濃於血的情感,但是年輕一代的眷村作家其實已經努力走出「大中國情節」,試著和台灣的本土性結合,雖然這或許只是一種「游移式認同」(楊照的說法),雖然可以發現作品中勉強依附的痕跡還很明顯,可是,第二代在對土地的認同裡,我們可以發現他們已經拋掉了揹負了多年的中國包袱。 眷村文學從「反共文學」、「軍中文學」、「懷鄉文學」的基礎上,到發展出其特有的風格和內容,再歷經台灣第二次的鄉土文學論戰(1977〜1978),文學血脈裡中國夢所藉以維繫的、想像的最後一方夢土,也被徹底的瓦解,使得眷村的第二代作家不得不思考未來的方向和定位,其文學作品也因而開啟了一個嶄新的創作領域。 所以,描寫眷村的文學作品,前期偏重鄉愁和故園情的抒發,因為老家和親人都在海峽的另一邊;後期則偏重眷村生活和土地認同的探究,因為反攻大陸、收復失土已成幻想,眷村一、二代間觀念上的矛盾和消弭、眷村人和本地人的衝突與和解、眷村人物的形形色色與眷村生活的點點滴滴,都是創作的素材,也是即將消逝的歷史和必須留住的回憶。 本研究希望藉由眷村相關作品的閱讀和梳理,能為這個即將消失的地標、一個在台灣無法延續下去的社會,留下一份可供人憑弔的回憶資料,也希望探討他們在面對台灣化、本土化的衝擊時,如何釐清和大中國的血緣關係,以及化解族群對立所做的努力,和保存已逐漸消逝的記憶。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract One characteristic of writing about military dependents’ villages inTaiwanese literature is authors’ spontaneous overflow of pivotal momentsgrowing up in there. Writing the motif – military dependents’ villages – as anemotional outlet, authors are de facto reviving the life memories and progressesof these villagers. This current study begins with the idea of diaspora, tackling the diasporadestiny of these villagers, followed by the nostalgic memories of the firstgeneration villagers and the attachment to the land of the second generation villagers. Architectural styles and living habitats of military dependents’villages are investigated afterward, together with the portrayal of militarydependents’ villagers, their leisure activities, food culture, and their integrationwith the outer ethnic groups. Owing to their different living backgrounds, lifeexperiences, and points of view, the first and the second generation of villagersare not in complete accord in terms of their nostalgic reminiscences,conceptualization of ethnic groups, national identity, and living surroundings. Such a discrepancy in national consciousness and nostalgic perception betweenthese two generations leaves a plethora of topics for further investigation.Notwithstanding the notion of military dependents’ villages as a living community and these villagers’ blood-thicker-than-the-water comradeship, theyounger generation has waded through the Chinese Complex. Trying tointegrate their writings with the Taiwanese locality, these younger authorsmight somewhat have been through a “shifting identity”, according to Chao Yang. Regardless of the fact that we can find out the conspicuous traces ofChinese Complex in the literature of military dependents’ villages, theinfluence of Chinese Complex in this genre is virtually nonexistent for the second generation authors, considering their attachment to the land.The literature of military dependents’ village germinates fromanti-communist literature, military literature, and nostalgia literature, thrivingin its unique style and contents, after having weathered through the secondnativist literature movement (1977-78). Their last imagined field connectedwith the Chinese dream in the literary context, however, is thoroughly shattered, thus making the second generation authors feel obliged to think for their nextdirection and placement. In turn, their literary works are bound for anotherpromising stage. Hence, earlier literary works depicting military dependents’ villages focuson nostalgia and emotional outlet for the hometown, since the roots andrelatives of the first generation villagers are on the other side of the straits. More recent works about military dependents’ villages, nevertheless, focus onthe life within military dependents’ villages and the attachment to the land,since the recovering of mainland China is nothing but an illusion. Followingthe logic, the contradiction and discrepancy between these two generations, theconflicts and reconciliations between these villagers and local Taiwanese, andthe diverse characters in the villages along with the pivotal moments becomethe fundamental nature for creative writing – also the frozen snapshots of fleeting history. This current study intends to keep track of a memorable record by synthesizing the writings of military dependents’ villages in case they, as discontinuing societies in modern Taiwan, are doomed to fade out as points ofreference. Facing the impact of Taiwanese localization movement, the study aims to utilize these collective writings as a springboard to clarify the attachment to the Great China, to reconcile the rivalry among ethnic groups here, and to retain the disappearing memories.en_US
DC.subjectLiterature of Dependents Villageen_US
DC.subjectFood Cultureen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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