博碩士論文 971305013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-chuan Taien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract秦邦憲於1926年底被中共委派至蘇聯留學,在經歷了莫斯科中山大學內一連串的鬥爭後和與陳绍禹建立了緊密的關係,並成為米夫的支持者,而留學蘇聯的背景使他在回國後被歸類為國際派。1930年秦邦憲回到上海,時值立三路線之激進思想擴張,他和陳绍禹藉由反立三路線取得了政治上的發展,國際派也在米夫主持的中共六屆四中全會中進入了領導的階層。1931年,年僅24歲的秦邦憲成為中共中央最高領導人,他為了鞏固軍政大權,藉寧都會議剝奪了毛澤東的軍權,在臨時中央進入中央蘇區後,秦邦憲更發動了「反羅明路線」,以消除毛澤東在共軍中的影響力。1933 年9 月,蔣介石對中央蘇區展開了第五次圍剿,秦邦憲和李德親自領導的廣昌之役戰敗,紅軍被迫向西突圍,在長征的途中,毛澤東藉著召開遵義會議的機會迫使秦邦憲卸下中共中央最高領導人職務。卸任後的秦邦憲仍繼續協助黨務工作,包括和平解決西安事變和促使「第二次國共合作」形成,以及接掌新華社與《解放日報》。1942年,毛澤東在延安發動整風運動,秦邦憲作為「錯誤路線」的代表,成為被批判的首要對象,《解放日報》也在毛澤東的要求下進行改版。1946年秦邦憲飛赴重慶參與憲草審議會,返回延安途中因飛機失事而罹難。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractQin Bang-xian was sent by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to the Soviet Union for studying abroad. After experiencing a series of struggles in Moscow’s Sun Yat-sen University, Qin established a close relationship with Chen Shao-yu and became a supporter of Pavel Mif. After Qin returned to China, he was classified as an international clique due to his study in the Soviet Union. In 1930, Qin retuned to Shanghai. Coinciding with the expansion of the radical thoughts of Li-San line, Qin and Chen Shao-yu gained the political momentum from anti-Lisan line while the international school also entered into leadership in the Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Sixth National Congress of CCP chaired by Pavel Mif. In 1931, at 24 years old, Qin became the top leader of CCP Central Committee. For consolidating his own military and political power, Qin deprived Mao Zedong of his military power. The interim central authority having entered the Central Soviet Area, Qin even launched “Anti-Loming Line” to remove completely Mao’s influence c in the Communist military at Ning-Du Meeting. In September 1933, Chiang Kai-shek launched the fifth encirclement and suppression to the Central Soviet Area. Qin and Otto Braun personally led the failed Battle of Guang-Chang, the Red Army was forced to breakthrough westward. In the way of Long March, Mao forced Qin to resign as the top leader of Central Committee of CCP at Zunyi Meeting. After resigning, Qin still continue to assist in party affaires including peaceful solution of Xian Incident and promoting the formation of the second KMT-CCP cooperation” and taking over Xinhua News Agency and Liberation Daily. In 1942, Mao launched Rectification Movement of Yanan. As a symbol of “wrong line”, Qin became a primary critical person. “Liberation Daily” was also forced to revise under the request of Mao. In 1946, Qin was killed in a plane crash on the way back to Yanan after participating in a draft constitution hearing in Chongqing. en_US
DC.subjectQin Bang-xianen_US
DC.subjectCommunist Internationalen_US
DC.subjectZunyi Meetingen_US
DC.titleA Study on Qin Bang-Xian(1926-1946)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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