博碩士論文 971305016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-han Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract出將入相對一個朝臣是一種莫大的榮譽與重擔,象徵著在朝為文臣,以佐朝政,出外則為武臣,象徵戎馬生涯,為國驅馳。文臣縱有青錢萬選之才,也不 一定深諳軍事,武臣就算立功疆域,並不一定有輔佐朝政的能力,出將入相本身即是文武雙全的象徵。綜明朝的兩百七十六年間,也唯有三個人出將入相,孫承宗則是其一。 本文即是以孫承宗為題,析論這位歷經萬曆、天啟、泰昌、崇禎四朝的名臣, 一生的事蹟與生平的作為。其仕宦過程中,歷經黨派鬥爭、魏忠賢把持朝政、後金的崛起,以及明朝與後金戰略地位的逆轉。在政治動盪的晚明,他潔身自好,立持公論,不植私黨。他不依附魏忠賢,拒建生祠,為當時日漸沉淪的士風,豎立起良好的典範。在後金崛起的過程中,他兩度以大學士的身分督師遼東,展現他卓越的軍事能力,與天縱英才的奴爾哈齊、皇太極,互相在上軍事對壘,深受天啟、崇禎兩帝重用。 在戍守遼東之際,他拔擢、重用了一批將材,如袁崇煥、馬世龍之輩,訂 下以「以遼人守遼土,以遼土養遼人」等戰略構想,使明軍能在遼東對抗八旗精騎。他勞心戮力,貢獻長才不僅讓明朝得以延續國祚,也寫下晚明軍事史成功的一頁。 而明清鼎革之際,不少士人因各種因素,投奔後金(清)。然而孫承宗始終 堅持氣節,崇禎十一年,他更以七十六歲的高齡,率領全家老小捍衛高陽城,抵抗清軍,因寡不敵眾,壯烈殉國。全家三十餘人,不屈而死。其慷慨忠烈,亙古少聞。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe notion of Chu Jiang Ru Xiang (literally “out as a general; in as a chancellor”)is a great honor as well as responsibility for an official in ancient China. It denotes that an official should assist the emperor in the imperial court in peacetime whereas command the army on the battlefield in wartime. A civil official, although well versed in literature, is not necessarily a master of martial arts; a military official, although highly capable of winning battles, is not necessarily adroit at handling civil affairs. Therefore, those who are characterized by the notion of Chu Jiang Ru Xiang must be a master of both the pen and the sword. Throughout the 276 years of the Ming Dynasty, only three could fulfill such criterion, Sun Chengzong was one of them. This thesis concerns the career of Sun Chengzong, who served the Wanli, Tianqi, Taichang, and Chongzhen Emperors. During his term in office, Sun underwent factional strife, Wei Zhongxian’s dominance of the government, and the rise of the Manchu. Despite the political turbulence during the late Ming Dynasty, he remained candid, took a neutral political stance, and refrained from any cliquish bonding. At a time when corruption prevailed, he set a good example for other officials by refusing to ingratiate himself with Wei Zhongxian and to build Wei’s shrine. After the rise of the Manchus, he twice commanded the army in Liaodong as a Grand Secretary, and fought against militarily-gifted Nurhaci and Huang Taiji. Therefore, he was deeply trusted by the Tianqi and Chongzhen Emperors. While guarding Liaodong, Sun promoted some talented generals, such as Yuan Chonghuan and Ma Shilong. In addition, he formulated the military strategy that the land of Liaodong should be guarded by the people of Liaodong, and the people of Liaodong should be nourished in the land of Liaodong. Such strategy was proven effective in combat against the cavalrymen of the Manchurian Eight Banners. His contribution not only postponed the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, but also was regarded as a glorious page in the military history of the Ming Dynasty. As the Manchus grew powerful and gradually threatened the existence of the Ming Dynasty, many Ming Dynasty officials betrayed their country. However, Sun remained loyal. In the 11th year of Chongzhen’’s reign, he defended City Gaoyang against the Manchus at the age of 76. His troops were outnumbered and thus defeated.Instead of surrendering to the enemy, he sacrificed for his country with his entire family, a total of more than 30 people. His loyalty to the country was rare throughout history. en_US
DC.subjectSun Chen-Gzongen_US
DC.subjectcommand the armyen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Sun Chen-Gzong in late period of Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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