博碩士論文 971407008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-jen Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在分析識字能力對左、右半腦在中文多義詞多重意義處理的影響。研究者以中文非均勢多義詞為實驗材料,採用語意促發典範和分視野技術,並請參與者進行詞彙判斷作業,藉以比較不同識字能力參與者在早期自動化語意激發和後期控制式語意配對的處理機制下,對不同語意關聯程度的意義之反應時間。 實驗一進行識字能力、刺激起始時距及語意關聯程度三個變項的操弄,同時控制參與者非語文智商。實驗一發現「識字能力和刺激起始時距」及「語意關聯程度和刺激起始時距」兩者出現交互作用,這顯示出識字能力、語意關聯程度在多義詞之不同時序階段的語意處理存在不同程度的影響。為了釐清實驗一的影響效果,實驗二、三分別聚焦早期語意激發和後期語意配對的兩個不同階段,探討不同識字能力參與者在多義詞語意處理時,左、右半腦的處理情形。實驗二、三都是操弄識字能力、不同視野及語意關聯程度三個變項,並控制參與者的非語文智商。實驗二發現識字能力、不同視野及語意關聯程度三個主要效果,這顯示出在早期的自動化語意激發階段,不同識字能力參與者均可以激發多義詞的主要、次要意義;左半腦的語意激發速度明顯快於右半腦;而識字能力的提升加快意義被激發的速度。實驗三的主要發現則為「不同視野和語意關聯程度」的交互作用,這顯示出右半腦同時維持主要、次要意義的促發效果;但是,左半腦卻僅能維持主要意義的促發效果,次要意義則是受到抑制。 綜合上述,本研究發現不同視野、語意關聯程度和識字能力都會影響多義詞的擷取,且這三個因素也隨著不同語意處理機制而呈現不同的影響型態。此外,識字能力不是影響中文詞彙語意處理的關鍵要素。最後,研究者根據限制,提供未來研究若干建議。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUsing the semantic priming paradigm, this study examined the effect of Chinese character recognition ability on hemispheric processing of Chinese polysemy. The variables investigated included stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), the degree of meaning relatedness of the target prime pairs, visual field and character recognition ability. Three experiments were conducted to facilitate the observation of the aforementioned variables. In each experiment, the participants, 36 adults and 72 sixth-graders, all took the Chinese Character Size Test and the Raven Progressive Matrices Test. They were then grouped into three groups based on their performance on the Chinese Character Size Test: adults with normal character size group (ANCSG), sixth-graders with high character size group (SHCSG) and sixth-graders with average character size group (SACSG). All the groups were equivalent in their non-verbal IQ. Experiment 1 manipulated SOA (250 ms vs. 750 ms), meaning relatedness (dominate vs. subordinate vs. non-related) and character size (ANCSG vs. SHCSG vs. SACSG). The results revealed that character recognition ability and the degree of meaning relatedness respectively affected the processing of polysemy, but their effects were modulated by SOA. In order to further explore the different semantic processing mechanisms for hemispheric asymmetries, Experiment 2 employed a short SOA of 250 ms (automatic spreading activation mechanism) while Experiment 3 employed a long SOA of 750 ms (controlled semantic matching mechanism). Hemispheric contributions were pinpointed in both experiments by using the divided visual field technique. Moreover, visual field (LFV vs. RFV), meaning relatedness (dominate vs. subordinate vs. non-related) and character size (ANCSG vs. SHCSG vs. SACSG) were manipulated in both experiments. The results of Experiment 2 showed that in the automatic spreading activation mechanism, visual field, meaning relatedness and character size all produced a significant main effect. These findings suggest that readers with higher character size would activate faster the multiple meanings of polysemy. The speed of semantic activation in the left hemisphere is faster than that in the right hemisphere. In addition, the multiple meanings of polysemy are activated at different levels, depending on the degree of meaning relatedness. The outcomes of Experiment 3 recognized a significant interaction effect of visual field and character size at 750 ms SOA. This situation suggests that, in a controlled semantic matching mechanism, the priming effects of both dominate and subordinate meanings can be observed in the right hemisphere. Only the priming effect of dominate meaning can be found in the left hemisphere. In conclusion, the access of the multiple meanings of polysemy is subject to the influence of character size, visual field and meaning relatedness respectively. The influence patterns of these three variables vary in accordance to the semantic processing mechanisms at the early or late stages. Based on the findings and limitations of the current study, the researcher proposes suggestions for related research in the future. en_US
DC.subjectsemantic primingen_US
DC.subjectCharacter recognition abilityen_US
DC.subjectdivided visual fielden_US
DC.titleSemantic Activation and Selection of Chinese Polysemy: A Comparison between Adults and Sixth-gradersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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