博碩士論文 972206005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYing-Yu Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract窄頻且波長可調的同調光源在光譜學、遙測及光通訊上有著相當多的應用。以光通訊為例,在光通訊中經常需要利用光學濾波器處理特定頻譜的訊號。為了能達到更有彈性的頻譜調制效果,主動式的窄頻濾波器在光通訊系統中往往會較被動式的元件來的功能強大且實用。在先前的研究中已經有實驗團隊利用非週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰多重相位匹配的特性成功達到多波長的主動式電光濾波器。 光參量振盪器(OPO)是一種三光子的非線性波長轉換系統,可以將ㄧ個較高頻的光子轉成兩個較低頻的光子。相較於大家熟知倍頻波長轉換過程,其最大的優點是具有波長可調的特性,常被用在產生大範圍波長可調的固態同調光源,若使用準相位匹配技術製作週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰來達成光參量振盪器,便可以和上段所述之非週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰電光濾波器搭配使用,利用非週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰電光濾波器來控制週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰光參量振盪器頻譜達到窄頻波長可調光源輸出的效果。 在本論文中我們成功利用串級式週期性與非週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰(PPLN/APLN)將光參量振盪器和電光模態轉換器結合在同一塊晶片上實現了光通訊波段的主動式積體化單晶片波長可調窄頻雷射元件,此元件不僅可以達到窄頻的單波長可調光源,也可以透過不同的設計達到雙波長輸出的窄頻光源。 於第一章,將會簡介研究動機與背景。於第二章,將會說明週期性與非週期性電光準相位匹配之理論與工作原理。於第三章,將會詳細論述如何設計及製作串級式週期性與非週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰晶片。於第四章,利用實驗論證利用一串級式週期性與非週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰晶片的確可以實現光通訊波段主動式波長可調窄頻光源,並和林昭弘博士的三段串級式週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰晶片的架構作比較。於第五章,提出此研究工作的總結與未來展望。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNarrow-line, wavelength tunable coherent radiations are demanded for various applications including spectroscopy, remote sensing , and communication .Take optical communication for example, optical filter is usually used in control specific signal. To approach more flexible spectra modulation, active spectra-narrowed filter would be more powerful than passive one. In previous research, some groups had successfully used the multi-phase matching property of APLN to demonstrate active multi-wavelength electro-optical filter. Optical parametric oscillator is a three-photon nonlinear wavelength conversion system, it can convert a high frequency photon into two low frequency photons. Compared to second harmonic generation, the advantage of OPO is wavelength tunability, can be used in widely tunable solid state coherent radiation.By use of the technique of quasi-phase matching (QPM) to fabricate the OPO device, it can co-operate with APLN electro-optical filter. Then narrowed linewidth tunable radiation could be approach by APLN electro-optical filter. In this thesis, we successfully demonstrate first active monolithically tunable laser device by integrate PPLN OPG and APLN EO PMC in a single chip. This device could not only approach single wavelength narrow-linewidth tunable radiation, but also generate dual wavelength narrow-linewidth radiation by another design. The introduction of motivation and background would be given in chapter 1. In chapter 2, the QPM theory and working principle of PPLN OPO and APLN EO PMC would be given. Chapter 3 would discuss how to design and fabricate cascaded PPLN and APLN. In chapter 4, the experiment result would prove that PPLN/APLN cascading chip can really demonstrate a narrow-line actively tunable light source at optical communication band. In chapter5, we’ll report the outlook and summary of this work. en_US
DC.titleActive linewidth control of an Optical Parametric Oscillator in a monolithically cascaded PPLN wavelength converter and APLN Electro-Optic Polarization Mode Converteren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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