博碩士論文 973205010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJian-You Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract營建工程牽涉到許多複雜的分工組織、人員、機具、材料等,而工程圖說即是連結此複雜關係的媒介,目前營建業仍以2D圖說為主要依據,雖業界已開始導入3D繪圖模擬技術,但由於進行3D資訊修改時無法同步更改2D圖件,造成2D與3D圖說需耗費相當的人力進行圖面檢查及設計,而建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling),其以3D為基礎建立模型,其具有物件導向及參數式特性,故具有減少數量計算錯誤與漏項問題產生之優勢,但由於BIM相關之數量計算軟體於國內尚未相當本土化,許多方面仍待檢示,本研究將針對目前營建工程常用之2D圖說及建築資訊模型在數量計算後,所產生數量上差異成因進行探討,嘗試提出具體之數量計算程序及模型建置檢核流程,以提高工程數量計算的精確度。 本研究旨在探討鋼筋工程數量計算造成誤差之鋼筋項目,並以此建構計算與檢核流程,供估算人員與BIM設計者進行數量計算及模型設計時,為精確計算與設計,以使降低鋼筋數量與實際施工使用量誤差,本研究歸納以2D工程圖說進行鋼筋工程數量計算,因由於數量計算主要來源為依據結構配筋圖與鋼筋標準圖,以鋼筋工程作業而言,圖說尚無標記施工現場所需之必要工作筋,以及應設置之搭接位置與長度、開口補強與角隅補強等項目,其均需以經驗或規範之規定進行計算,致使數量計算時,易因此而造成漏項或短缺之問題,本研究建構一數量計算流程,供估算人員於數量計算時,依此流程將其所有施工性鋼筋進行計算,以使數量更為精確,而BIM進行數量計算依據模型元件,透過物件導向及參數式特性,將元件長度、型式等資料統計,本研究建構一檢核流程,對於BIM模型設計進行檢核,並以實際進行檢核,其重新配置鋼筋數量需增加5.3t,其數量修正量為9%,本研究藉由此檢核流程提供予軟體開發公司對於BIM數量計算增設檢核系統及智慧化配置建議,以使業界廣為接受BIM建置與使用。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractConstruction involves complex integration of people, materials, machine, and managerial procedures. These elements of construction are manifested by design drawings and related plans. Although construction tasks are to be undertaken in a 3-dimentional paradigm, construction professionals nonetheless must present their ideas in a traditional2-dimension manner. Traditionally, this has been due to technological constraints and limitations. The advancement of computing power and relevant software technologies however have pushed forward and through the impossible in the past. Particularly, the concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM), as a complete platform to integrate virtually all construction related information, has introduced a true 3-D revolution. Under the BIM paradigm, construction design and planning takes place in a 3-D environment. Such a 3-D model allows all construction professional perform their tasks under a 3-D approach. This study will take advantage the BIM potential, and specifically investigate the possibility to perform the checking of quantity of work under the BIM environment. The aim of this work is to reduce the effort required to validate/verify the quantity of work introduced by design professionals, so that subsequent contractors will have much less hassles and difficulties to execute their bidding. This also eliminates potential contract disputes concerning discrepancy between the actual quantities of work and those presented in the bidding documents. As a demonstrative purpose, this study examines how the quantity of structural rebar is determined by traditional method of cost estimate, which as discussed is performed in a 2-D environment. As found in this study, numerous details regarding structural rebar are not included in routine 2-D design practice. This makes the estimate of the quantity of structural rebar a mere guess work, if precision is taken into account. This study contemplates the general design practice of structural rebar, as well as all relevant technical specifications, and introduces the details into a BIM model. It is concluded that a BIM model mitigates the allowance of the quantity of structural rebar. In an actual case, as presented in this study, a total of 5.3 tons of rebar were found unspecified in the original design, this amounts to a 9% allowance. Therefore, this study is able to summarize a hopeful proclaim that BIM platform can show benefit to contractor, in that they can rely on a BIM model to reduce the need to conduct quantity of work checking. en_US
DC.subjectdesign drawingsen_US
DC.subjectquantity of wok.en_US
DC.title建築資訊模型(BIM)於工程數量計算差異之研究 -以建築工程鋼筋作業項目為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe research for the different of the quantity in Building Information Modeling – A case study of task of structural rebar in Building Construction en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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